•Chapter 82•

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Niall is rolling around on the ground with our newest baby. Joey luckily mingles really well with Chloe and Zoey. I wasn't too worried about Chloe, since she doesn't really care about basically anything, but Zoey can be very competitive. I think she likes having a mate with whom she can actually run around and play games with, as again Chloe doesn't care much for it.

Now I have four babies to take care off. I look at Niall. His clothes are all dirty from running around the garden with the dogs. I'm glad he's having so much fun.

A smile grows on my face and I make a video of him playing around the garden, before posting it on Instagram with the caption: "Look at my 4 babies having fun"

Within an instance, my phone is overflowing with tons of notifications of Instagram, and before I know it, people are texting me.

Perrie: You and Niall are back together?!?!
Eleanor: OMG, is this what I think it is???
Mom: Your dad and I are so happy for
Shawn: I hope he makes you happy xShawn

My smile widens when reading the messages. I open Shawn's to thank him. Then open my mom's, and I start to tear up a bit of happiness.

"Your dad and I are so happy for you and Niall, dear. We didn't want to tell you while you were still with Shawn, but we feel like Niall is the one for you. We love the both of you. See you soon xx"

Samantha"We love you two too mom. Thank you, we can't wait to see you again xx"

I wipe away a tear that escaped my eye, and text back and forth with Perrie and Eleanor, until Niall comes in, exhausted.

'You know what we should do?' he asks.

'Nope. Tell me.' I reply confused.

'We should go on vacation together.' he suggest excitedly.

I smile wide. 'That would be so much fun, but it will take a while before I have time for that.'

'How long?' he asks.

'I'm booked until October.' I answer.

He nods. 'Alright, thenwe'll go in October. I'll plan everything. All you have to do is be there.'

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