•Chapter 39•

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*p.o.v. Samantha*

It has been a few weeks since the accident, and the police are still trying to figure out who the other driver was.

Niall has visited my every day during the visiting hours, even when I had fallen asleep. He holds my hand and strokes it with his thumb. It's very calming.

We don't talk much when he's here. Something that is quite nice actually. He does talk about what he has done that day and what's next on the agenda. He tells me about the others and sings countless of songs. If I feel well, I'll sing along.

'I'll bring my guitar tomorrow.' he says, once we're finished singing a song and I nod carefully.

I'm almost fully healed by now, but I keep it easy. 

'I have to go.' he says quietly, and gets up again.

I quickly grab his hand and look at him. 'Please stay a few more minutes?'

He nods, smiles at me and sits down again.

'The doctor said that I'll have to stay here a few more nights, before I can go home.' I say. 'I miss my own bed.'

'I get that, love.' he replies, and quickly burns up. 'I mean Sam.'

I chuckle because of his reaction. 'You're so silly sometimes.'

His cheeks get another shade of red darker and we both laugh.

'Sam?' he suddenly asks, when we're done laughing.

'Yes?' I reply.

'Why were you heading to my place?' He moves his head to mine and looks at me.

I become quiet, because I start to stare at him.

'Sam?' he asks again, and I snap out of my trance.

'Um, right.' I start shyly. 'Harry and I had talked, and I wanted to tell you the result.'

He scratches on the back of his head unsure, and I can see that he becomes a bit insecure. 'What was the result?'

'Harry and I are friends. Best friends if you will, but nothing more.' I say with a smile.

He holds my hand and looks into my eyes. 'Tell you what, let's start all over again. Once you come out of the hospital, we're going on a date. Just you and me.'

I look back at him, and with a simple nod the date is set.

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