•Chapter 49•

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After touring for a couple more months, I'm finally standing back home before my front door.

I open the door, and my legs immediately get attacked by my two adorable puppies. 'Ahw, my babies.' I say happily, and cuddle with them.

Niall walks into the corridor with a big smile on his face. 'I missed you.'

I get up from the cuddling and draw him in for a hug. 'I missed you so much.' I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

He hugs me firmly back, and we stand like this for a short while. 'I have a surprise for you.' he says, and takes my hand to walk to the living room together.

A movie with popcorn and drinks are displayed, and the mood lights are on.

'Which movie?' I ask him, and turn around to face him.

'Harry Potter.' he says shyly, and my smile widens.

Together we walk to the couch, sit down and I cuddle up to him. Niall places the popcorn on his lap, while Chloe and Zoey join us on the couch, and lay against us.

'Ready?' Niall asks, before starting the movie.


Niall let himself fall on bed next to me, clearly exhausted.

'Tired already?' I tease him. 'We just woke up.'

'You try to do what I just did.' he responds with a chuckle.

I burst out into laughter. 'I don't think you would like it that much.'

Niall's chuckle becomes a laugh, and he pulls me in a hug. 'I love you so much.'

'I love you too Nialler.' I say with a sweet smile on my face. 'But we have to shower.'

'Together?' he instantly asks.

'If you want that.' I reply with a wink.

He smirks at me. 'You don't have to tell me twice.' He spontaneously regained his energy, and gets up at once.


While I'm drying my hair, Niall is making breakfast. I look at the clock. Well, lunch then.

'Food is ready!' I hear Niall from the kitchen.

I quickly finish drying my hair, and make my way to the kitchen.

'Pancakes a la Niall.' he says proudly.

'It looks delicious.' I say smiling. I give Niall a kiss on his cheek, and he grins as a reaction. 'Thank you for making lunch.' 

He pulls me closer to him. 'Everything for my princess.' 

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