•Chapter 70•

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'What are you saying Niall?' I ask, scared that I already know the answer. 'Are you breaking up with me?'

He nods softly, and more tears leave his eyes.

'But why?' I ask confused and a bit frustrated. 'I thought we were doing perfectly fine?'

He opens his mouth as if to say something, but decides not to.

'Niall?' I ask again.

Why? Why would he break up with me if we're doing just fine. We aren't fighting, we both didn't cheat, so why? Why in the world would he break my heart like this.

Would he not love me anymore? Is that it?

'I'm sorry.' is the only thing he replies, while he starts to cry.

I start to boil on the inside, as anger takes over my body. He starts to cry, while he's the one ending this relationship. I should be the one crying, not him.

I get his hands off me and stand up. 'Get out.'

'Sam-' he says, but I cut him off.

'Get out.' I repeat myself.

He gets up, holds my face in his two hands and looks into my eyes. 'I wish I didn't have to do this.' And with that, he releases my face, and leaves my house.

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