•Chapter 80•

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'Sam?' he finally asks.

I look back at my hands. 'Yes?'

'Why did you and Shawn break up?'

I look at my hands. He's a nice guy and all, but-' I say, struggling to find the right words.

'But he isn't me.' he finishes it for me. That's the sentence I said years ago when we were on tour and he was jealous of Luke.

'You're so gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes of you during the Grammys.'

The butterflies finally break loose in my stomach, and I feel like I can finally breathe again.

All this time, I was so heart-broken and trapped into that. I forgot this feeling in my body, I forgot how it feels to love someone, because the only person that I ever loved like this is Niall.

I look up at him, with tears finally streaming down my face. 'I missed you.'

He seems surprised about my reaction and we both stand up. He runs to me and pulls me into a tight hug. 'I missed you too. Every single day.'

His familiar touch and smell overwhelm me. So many emotions are trying to come out. All the anger and frustrated, the sadness and pain, the confusion. For so long, I didn't understand why. We were doing perfectly fine, so why break up? The only conclusion I could come up with all these months, was that he didn't love me anymore.

'Niall?' I ask quietly.

He pulls back a little to look at me. 'Yeah?'

'Do you-,' I say, trying to find the right words. 'Do you still love me?'

A sweet smile appears on his face. 'I never stopped.'

I lean in towards him and press my lips on his. I pull him closer and kiss him intenser, with more passion.

He smiles in the kiss and holds me close by my waist, and occasionally goes with one or two hands to my neck and cheeks.

I missed him so much, and I would fool myself if I didn't think that Niall is the one.

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