•Chapter 4•

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I examine the stern faces of the judges and wait for their commentary.

'Louis?' Simon looks in Louis' direction, while he is looking on his papers.

'I absolutely loved the performance!' he says enthusiastically and my jaw drops. 'Your voice is so beautiful and pure, I thought it was really good.

'I agree with Louis. What you just performed right here was incredible. You made us feel the emotions while singing, which is really good.' says Nicole happily and the crowd goes wild.

'Louis, yes or no?' asks Simon again. Still not a single emotion on his face, which make me doubt.

'100% yes.' Louis says with a big grin on his face.

Simon only nods. 'Nicole?'

'For me it's a definite yes, I just know she can do it.' She smiles at me after those words.

I'm definitely through already! A big smile appears on my face. I'm through!

'Samantha?' says Simon eventually.

I look him in the eye and he continues. 'That was an excellent performance.'

My face changes into pure astonishment and I breathe relieved.

He finally smiles at me. 'Your voice and performance were both fantastic. I can't wait to see you next time.'

'Thank you!' I squeal really happy and run towards the others.

'We're through!' Harry says happily and gives me a firm hug.

'Let's go somewhere to eat and celebrate.' Gemma suggests.

'That sounds like fun, let's go.' says Anne cheerfully and we go outside.


'We're so proud of you two.' says my mother smiling.

'I can't thank you enough, without you I wouldn't have been on time.' I say thankful to Harry, Gemma and Anne.

'No problem.' says Gemma and smiles sweet.

'You've made the trip a lot more lively.' says Anne laughing and I blush slightly. I may have gotten very active during the trip.

Anne raises her glass for a toast. 'To our two big talents. May you come very far in this competition.'


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