•Chapter 19•

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*a year and a half later*

"I don't believe you, Charlie"

"I swear Sam"
"Nothing happened!"

"I don't have time for this.."
"I saw everything with my own eyes"
"We're over, capiche?"

"Don't be like that Sam, please?"
"I'll come to your house tonight and we'll talk about it"

"You should've thought more with your head instead of your penis"

"Please babe"
"I'm really sorry"
"It will never happen again"
"I promise"

I put my phone away frustrated. I still can't believe what he did to me. My heart is still aching from it. 

I walk through the corridors and end up in an interview-room. The space is filled with camera's, sound equipment and lighting. There's a big, velvet couch with a coffee table in front of it.

The interviewer stands up from the couch and walks to me. 'Welcome Samantha. We're so happy to have you here.' he says and give me a firm handshake.

'Thank you. It's so nice to meet you.' I say with a smile on my face. 'Your name is?'

'Daniel.' he answers, while we both sit on the couch. 'The interview will go as followed. I ask questions, you answer them. At the end, we have a music quiz and that's it.'

I nod and the interview starts.

After the whole introduction thingy, he finally starts with asking the questions. 'Alright, you've toured this year with Beyoncé. What was that like?'

'Incredible. She's is so sweet and kind and this was an amazing opportunity.' I tell the interviewer.

'Is it true that during the touring, you have written your debut album?'

'It is true, actually. I think I've written about 200 songs, and after I came back, we worked really hard in the studio and now I'm promoting it.' I start my ramble, but I'm interrupted by Daniel.

'Busy schedule to say the least, but you did find the love of your life on tour right? Can you tell us something about Charlie Puth?' he says winking to me.

'I will definitely write a ton of songs about him. I'm even thinking of writing a song and putting in the album last minute.' I feel so angry talking about him, but also very sad that he did this to me. I miss him, but hell no that I will give him a second chance. What he did is unforgivable. 'I can tell you one thing: He is definitely not the love of my life.'

The interviewer looks at me astonished and starts to feel very uncomfortable. He continues to ask questions, but I notice he wants this interview to end as soon as possible.

'It's time for the music quiz! I know you are close friends with the lads of One Direction. We have picked a select few songs from their debut album and we'll see how many you guess correctly. Ready?' Daniel asks.

I nod, but I'm not really there with my mind. One Direction. I have not seen the boys much the last year. Due to our busy schedules it's almost impossible. Now I think about them again, I notice just how much I miss them.

Daniel starts to play the songs.

'More than this' 'Up all night' 'What makes you beautiful' 'I want' 'Moments' 'Stole my heart'

And then a song started to play that I didn't know really well.

'Cause you were right here
And I should've taken the chance
But I got so scared
And I lost the moment again
It's all that I can think about
Oh, you're all that I can think about

I look at Daniel.

'Harry wrote it, maybe that helps.' Daniel says in an attempt to help me.

I'm not even trying to guess the song anymore, I'm just listening to the lyrics.

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?
Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away when
When I should have kissed you

My eyes grow bigger at the end of the audio fragment.

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