•Chapter 15•

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'And what an exciting evening it is. The finale of the x Factor UK 2010. The results are in from the first round and shows us who has ended on fourth place.' Dermot starts, making everyone excited as always. 'Tonight, you have admired One Direction, Samantha, Matt Cardle and Cher Lloyd during their first performances of the night. The contestant that has ended on fourth place is...... Cher Lloyd!'

Cher looks happy, but also sad. She has come so far, to get fourth does sting a bit..

'Unfortunately, you didn't make it into the top three.' Dermot says, while walking to Cher.

'It's a shame, but I do get it. The others are so incredibly talented. I'm really happy with how far I've come in the competition. I have always done my best, so no regrets.' Cher says with a big smile on her face, before everyone walks backstage again.

'Time for round two!' I hear Dermot shout.

'It's a shame you're out of the competition, Cher.' That's Zayn talking.

Cher and I turn around and see the boys standing there. 'So you guys have finally made some time free to talk to us, how nice of you.' Cher response brutal.

'You don't have to act like that. We just wanted to tell you that we think it's a shame. We would have loved to end the show with the seven of us.' Louis answers.

'Oh please.' Cher says harsh again.

Up until now, I have no mingled in the conversation, which is incredible for me. 'I need to prepare myself. See you later Cher.'

'Good luck.' she says and smiles at me.

'Thank you.' I say back, before walking around the corner.

I'm adjusting my earpieces, when I hear someone call my name. I turn around and surprisingly I see Niall standing there. I turn back around and grab a microphone. 'Yes?'

'Simon gave us the instructions to avoid you and Cher as much as possible.' he says in one quick breath.

'Why?' I ask puzzled, while still having my back turned to him.

'Because then the finale would be less difficult for everybody.' he admits.

'Samantha, you have to get on the stage now.' a man of production tells me.

Without responding or even giving it much thought, I walk onto the stage. I stand ready on my spot and start to sing. The spotlights get turned on and the audience cheers loud. Everything that Niall just said, keeps wondering around in my mind. 

"Simon gave us the instructions to avoid you and Cher as much as possible, because then the finale would be less difficult for everybody."

I look at Simon. Why would he do that? What's the added value and benefit of that?

The music ends again, I look up at the audience and smiles bright while they cheer on. The judges give their commentary and I leave the stage with a smile. 

"Simon gave us the instructions to avoid you and Cher as much as possible."

"Because then the finale would be less difficult for everybody."

It keeps roaming around in my head. Why would it make the finale less difficult for everybody? Everyone is mad at each other, why would you want that?

Everyone is mad at each other.

Suddenly, the realisation kicks in.

Everyone is mad at each other, which causes that everyone will fight for the number one stop. Friendships would be in the way of everyone achieving their ultimate best performance.

I look at the stage, where the boys are currently performing. They are really good, I wouldn't be surprised if they become first.

I look at Harry, who shines less than usual. He's singing, instead of performing. He's been like that for a few weeks now. What's going on with him?

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now