•Chapter 58•

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I am sitting at the end of the table at the signing after our concert. We've been busy for quite a while now, but it's actually a lot of fun signing with the lads. They're constantly joking around, and the way they interact with their fans is so sweet.

Two girls are screaming once they've finally reached the table. The boys are trying to reassure them, but it's not really working. I feel like they could faint any moment.

'I-I CAN'T BE-BELIEVE IT'S THE-THE SIX OF YOU.' one of the girls scream. They're holding up the line, because they can barely move or talk.

'What are your names?' I ask.

They both start to scream in a high pitch. 'OH MY GOD, THE SAMANTHA JUST ASKED US OUR NAMES.'

'I'm J-Jennifer!' one of them still screams, but less.

'My name is Samantha too.' the other says, finally calming down.

'We're twinning with our names.' I say smiling wide.

'I hated my name, but because of you I love it now.' Samantha replies with a big smile.

'Ahw, I think both of you have a beautiful name.' I say happily.

They ultimately give Zayn the albums that they want to get signed, and they make their way across the table. Once the girls and the albums reach me, I quickly sign them and give them back with a big smile on my face.

'C-can we get a picture with all of you?' Jennifer asks quietly and she seems so nervous.

'Of course, Jennifer.' I respond. 'Come on lads.'

All six of us get up, and we ask of the bodyguards to hold their camera. We pose with them, and a few photos are made.

'It was lovely meeting you two. Drive home safe.' I say to them, and the guys also say goodbye to them.

They leave, and I can hear them scream from afar, which brings a smile on my face.

We continue the signing, and interacting with the fans.

When I look up again, I see a girl, who I recognise. She has been to so many of my concerts, I can't even count it anymore. She seems a little off, but has quite a sweet face.

I look at Niall, and bump my elbow against his arm. 'What's up?' he asks, and looks at me.

'Look over there, that girl-.' I begin to say, but when I look back she's no longer there.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now