•Chapter 13•

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I can't believe it. Cher is in the bottom three.

Once Dermot is finished with his little talk, Cher runs backstage. She looks at no one, as tears form in her eyes and runs to a spot where there is no one.

Cheryl immediately follows and talks to her.

'She's shaking.' Liam says, looking at Cher.

'I would do the same if I was her.' Zayn says with pity. 

'She's not last right?' Niall suddenly says in an optimistic voice. 'She still has a chance to stay in the competition.'

I nod. 'You have a point.' I walk to Cher and embrace her in a hug.

She instantly hugs me back and I feel tears dripping on my shoulder. 'What if I have to leave?'

'Then you have come incredibly far. You're fifth of the thousands of people that auditioned in the first place.' 

She pulls at once and a confidence has taken over. 'You're right, I need to make myself ready!' 

'Aaand she's gone again.' I laugh and walk to the edge of the stage. The other boy who was in the bottom three is performing.

Once he's done, Cher walks onto the stage to perform. Her second performance was a million times better than her first.

Once she has finished, she stands there with a big grin on her face. Aiden, the other boy, is brought back on stage for the final results.

'Loved both your performances, but I have to go for my own contestant, so I vote for Aiden.' Dannii says and looks at Louis.

Louis nods and looks at both Cher and Aiden. 'It's a difficult decision. I though Cher's second performance was much better than her first, whereas Aiden was on the same level as his last performance. My vote goes to Cher.' 

I sigh relieved and look at Cheryl. 'Of course I vote for my little pop star Cher.' she says smiling wide.

I look from Cher to Simon, and back to Cher, and back to Simon.

'Tough choice..,' he says and examines them both, before looking back at his notes, looks at the other judges and then back at Cher and Aiden. 'My vote goes to Cher.'

Very soon, tears start rolling down Cher's cheeks and she keeps jumping up and down.

Dermot does his little talk and Cher runs backstage. 'I made it!!!'

I pull her into a tight hug. 'How dare you scare me like that?' I laugh.

She laughs with me. 'No, I wasn't scared at all or something.'

I nod. 'The real competition starts now.'

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