•Chapter 77•

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'Are you over Niall?'

I want to respond, but I don't know what. I want things to work out with Shawn so desperately, but am I over Niall?

'No.' I say, after a long silence.

'I thought so, but Sam newsflash, you broke up eight months ago.' Shawn puts Zoey on the floor.

'I know Shawn. Look, I want it to work between us so badly, but,' I say, not sure of how to finish that sentence.

'But I'm not Niall.' he finishes it for me.

'It's not the same as with him. I don't feel the same connection that I felt with him.'

'Because I'm not Niall, Sam.' he says while rolling his eyes.

'Shawn, for how long are we together now?' I ask him.

He counts in his head. 'Five months.'

'Yet, we both haven't 'I love you'. I look at him. 'Because to be honest with you, I think you are a great guy, but I don't love you.'

He looks at his feet, sniffs a few times and then looks back up. 'I don't love you either.'

'Then what are we doing?' The tears start to burn in my eyes. My second break up in eight months. Can it get any worse?

'Maybe it's better to call it quits.' he says, sniffing again.

I nods softly, while the tears start to roll down my cheeks.

He pulls me in a firm hug, while starting to cry.

I can't contain my tears any longer, and for the first time in eight months, I cry my heart out.

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