•Chapter 20•

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My eyes grow bigger at the end of the audio fragment.

'Unfortunately, you didn't say the correct answer in time. It was I should've kissed you.' Daniel spoils.

I snap out of my trans. 'Oh.. Yeah! Uhm, I forgot it.'

'Anyways, you had them all correct, except for one, so well done. Thank you for your company, Samantha. Good luck with promoting your debut album, I can't wait to listen to it.' he says with a smile on his face.

'Thank you, and also for having me Daniel. I've enjoyed myself.' I respond politely.

Daniel does the outro of the show and we say goodbye.

A strange feeling begins to form in my stomach. I get into my car and sigh deep.

'Tough interview miss?' asks Thom, my driver.

'I have to see the boys. Are they in the studio?' I ask him.

'Unfortunately, no. You can ask mister Simon Cowell?' he answers.

'That's pretty clever.' I say already thinking about what I will say. 'Let's go to him.'

'As you wish.' he chuckles and starts to drive.

Once we arrive at Simon's office, I step out of the car. I walk to his office directly. 'Her Simon, I have a question.'

He looks up slowly from his papers, as if he was expecting me. 'Good afternoon.' He gets up out of his leather chair and walks towards the glass-wall behind his desk. 'What is your question?'

I walks towards his desk and two leather seats before it with doubts in my mind. 'Do you have any idea where the boys are?'

'Why do you want to know?' he responds.

'Because I haven't seen them in a long time. Wanted to catch up.' I say, looking at the ground.

'Why don't you text them? Why would you come all the way here, while you have their numbers?' he questions skeptical.

I look up from the ground. 'I want to surprise them.' That does sound quite believable.

He finally turns around. 'They're at the Chatty Man show doing an interview. You're familiar with the show, right?'

I nod and give him a little smile. 'Thank you, Simon.'

'No problem Sam.' he says and looks piercingly into my eyes. 'Do know that I know you're lying right now. Please, don't get too mixed up with those boys and all your emotions. It won't do you any good. Good luck.'

I nod softly and leave the room. That was an excellent example of me not being able to lie properly. I shake it off and get back into the car. 'Chatty Man.'

'I hope you know what you're doing by opening this door again.' Thom warns me and starts to drive. 'We're on our way miss.'

Once we arrive at the Chatty Man studio, I easily get into the building, since they welcomed me with open arms. I sit down in the canteen and hear a lot of laughter and the voices of the boys. It has been so long ago..

"When you stood there, just a heartbeat away

When we were dancing, and you looked up at me
If I had known then that I'd be feeling this way

If I could replay I would never have let you go

No, oh, never have let you go"

Those lyrics keep spooking around my mind.

After a while I get up. I shouldn't be here, I have to get out. What was I thinking?? I grab my purse and walk towards the corridor, but I bump into someone.


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