•Chapter 22•

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*p.o.v. Liam*

It has been a long time ago, since we last visited Sam's house. She lives quite far away, on top of a hill. That's what she wanted. She wanted to live somewhere nice and quiet and not in the middle of a city.

 She wanted to live somewhere nice and quiet and not in the middle of a city

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I would say she did a pretty good job. She has a lovely home, only a bit far away from the rest of us. Then again, London is very big, so none of us live too close nearby each other.

After another fifteen minutes of travelling by car, we arrive. It's half past one, so we're a bit early. There's another car on the driveway, a range rover.

'Nice car. From who do you think it is?' Niall questions.

'Not from Sam, that's for sure.' Louis says, looking at the car.

We get startled by the front door suddenly opening. 

'Just leave Charlie. You have all your stuff, you can leave now.' I can hear Sam's voice coming from the corridor inside.

Charlie involuntary comes out of the house. 'Please babe. I swear, it will never happen again.'

'That's right, because you will never get that chance with me. Go away, I have other guests coming.' she responds fiercely, before shutting the door in Charlie's face.

Charlie turns around and sees us standing there. He becomes red and very awkward. 'Sorry you had to see that. We kinda hit rock bottom in our relationship.'

'If I heard it correctly, that relationship is over.' Harry replies.

I don't understand why you would cheat on someone. I could and would never do that to Dani and I shouldn't either.

'Fuck off will ya.' Louis says angrily.

Charlie looks at his feet, picks one of his shirts off the ground. 'I have to go.' He walks to his car, loads all his stuff inside and leaves.

'What an asshole.' Louis says frustrated.

I look at Sam's house. Now she's all alone again, on top of a hill with no neighbours whatsoever.

 Now she's all alone again, on top of a hill with no neighbours whatsoever

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Zayn walks to the front door and rings the bell.

We hear dogs barking on the other side of the door. The door opens and two tiny dogs run outside. One golden retriever puppy, and another small, adorable dog. After the dogs, Sam appears in the door opening. 'Hey guys, come in.'

We walk one by one inside and say hello to her and hugging her. After we're all inside, the dogs run back inside. She apparently has remodeled everything. 


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It looks 100 times better than before

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It looks 100 times better than before. This also looks like a place where Sam likes to be. 

'Make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink?'

We tell her which drinks we want and she grabs glasses.

It's so weird to see her after such a long time, but it's like no time has passed. After the finale of the x Factor, we have barely seen her, but we've followed everything she has done since. She went on tour with Beyoncé and went back to the x Factor, where she originally only would stay for bootcamp, but ended up staying until the rest of the season as mentor of the groups. She formed one group herself, Little Mix, and they ended up winning the competition. 

I look at Sam, and she seems uncomfortable. Maybe it's because she knows that we heard her conversation with Charlie. She looks towards Niall and Harry, and then back at the drinks.

'We're sorry about Charlie.' Zayn is the first to break the long silence.

Sam looks up at him and gives him a sweet smile. 'It's okay. He's a dick, at least now I know it.'

We nod.

'I would never ever do that to El. You just don't do that, it's wrong.' Louis says frustrated.

'Louis, it's okay. We were only together for a couple months.' she says calmly and Louis nods again. 'But thank you for having my back and protecting me just yet.' She winks at us.

Louis smiles at her. 'No one hurts our Sammy like that.'

She smiles bright and hands us our drinks. 'How are Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie by the way?'

'Perrie is doing well. They're busy with their debut album.' Zayn says, while playing with the golden retriever. 'What are your dogs names?'

'My little golden retriever baby is called Zoey, and my spirit animal puppy is called Chloe.' she answers with a smile.

Louis looks from Zayn to Sam. 'Eleanor is doing great. She does miss you, since she hasn't seen you in such a long time.'

'Same with Dani.' I respond and look at Sam. Something's bothering her, but I don't know what.

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