•Chapter 94•

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I wake up from Niall stroking a strand of hair behind my ear. I rub my eyes and move closer to him.

'Good morning princess.' he says cheerfully.

'Good morning Nialler.' I reply with a sleepy smile.

'For today I was thinking about going on a hike, getting to see nature a bit.' he suggests and I nod in agreement.

We both get up, eat breakfast and make ourselves ready for the hike.

'You look hot in those yoga pants.' Niall says with a smirk.

I chuckle, and walk over to him. 'Not now.'

He pulls me closer and his hands slide down to my butt.

'Niall, no.' I say and laugh.

'I could always try, right?' he replies shrugging, and I shake my head laughing.

I take his hand and together we go out hiking.


We're on top of quite a big hills, which took us forever, and I look at the view.

'Come here misses Horan.' Niall says, and when I turn around, he has a cheeky smile on his face.

I walk towards him and he takes my hand again.

'I'm truly so happy that I can officially call you that.' he says joyful. 'You're my world, and I'm so grateful that we found each other again.'

'I guess what's meant to be, will be.' I reply with a big smile.


Niall and I order our food, and the waiter walks away again. For our last night here, we decided to go out for dinner to this cute, Italian restaurant not too far from our cabin.

'The week went by so quickly, can't believe the honeymoon is over already.' I say with a hint of sadness in my voice.

'I know, it went by so fast.' Niall says. 'But we get to spend the rest of our lives together.'

I raise my glass and wetoast. 'To our honeymoon and the rest of our lives together.'

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now