•Chapter 44•

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[A/n: Left is Sam's outfit, right is Niall's outfit]

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[A/n: Left is Sam's outfit, right is Niall's outfit]

'Do you, Greg Horan, take thee, Denise Kelly, to be your lawfully wedded wife?' the priest asks.

'I do.' Greg replies.

A big smile grows on my face and I look at Niall. He's the best man today at Greg and Denise's wedding, and he looks super handsome. 

He looks at me with a very big smile, and winks at me, before looking back to Greg and Denise.

'I now pronounce you husband and wife, mister and misses Horan.' says the priest. Everyone stands up and starts to clap.

Greg and Denise exchange a quick kiss, before looking at everyone smiling wide. They slowly walk out of the church, followed by the others. 

Niall takes my hand, and we walk out of the building together. Once we're outside, I see the camera's of the lads' documentary. Niall and I have decided to let the world now with their movie that we are together.

'That was a beautiful ceremony.' I say happily to Niall.

'Not as beautiful as you.' he says and winks at me.

I giggle, but still start to blush. 'Cheesy much?'

'You look marvelous dear.' I hear someone say behind me. I turn around to see Maura, Niall's mother. She smiles kind to me and looks at my dress.

'Thank you.' I say delighted. 'You're looking gorgeous yourself.'

'It's so nice of you both to join us today.' she says, and I can feel Niall slightly squeezing my hand.

I smile joyfully. 'We wouldn't miss this for the world.'


I burst out laughing when I see Niall dancing with his family. I don't know what kind of dance it is, but it looks really funny.

'It's look funny, doesn't?' Denise says with a chuckle, while walking towards me.

'I don't know what it is, but Niall looks like an eighty-year old man while doing it.' I say fake-philosophic, Denise laughs.

 'I need your help with something.' Denise starts and looks at me. 'I'm pregnant, but no one knows yet. I don't know how to tell Greg.'

My eyes grow big. 'Congratulations.' I say, and start to think. 'It has to be memorable.'

Niall dances to us. 'What are you lovely girls talking about?'

'The wedding.' I reply quickly, and Denise nods.

Niall also nods, and holds out his hand for me to take. 'Would you like to dance?

'I'll be there in a sec.' I say smiling, and he makes his way back to the dance floor. 'If I were you Denise, I would google it. You could make a whole romantic night for him, or give him your pregnancy test as a little gift?' I suggest.

'That both sounds like fun, thank you Sam.' she responds with a big smile.

'No problem, and if you ever need help, you can always call or text me.' I say joyful.

'I will, and vice versa.' She looks towards the dance floor, and then back at me. 'Um, would you mind not telling Niall yet?'

'Of course. Your secret is safe with me.' I say, and give her a hug, before I join Niall on the dance floor, and dance the night away with him and his family.

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