•Chapter 8•

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He only nods. 'We'll see.' He stands up and leaves the room.

I nod softly in response and walk back to the others.

'Are you crazy??' Louis yells immediately when I return.

'You just yelled at the Simon Cowell.' Liam yells too.

'And you just yelled at the Samantha Meijer.' I say chuckling. 'Everything I said was 100% true, so don't worry too much.'

Niall puts his arms around me. 'Thank you.'

I look up surprised and turn red within a second.

Harry joins him and soon the other three join too.

'It was nothing.' I say laughing and the boys release me. They smile to me and return to packing their suitcases. 

'I really hope Simon will listen to you.' Cher says hopefull.

'They especially hope that.' I say, looking at the guys.

'I really had hoped they made it. They are so cute.' Cher giggles.

'Huh,' I turn around to her. 'You think they're cute?'

'Oh come on, don't tell me you're not crushing on them?' she says and chuckles. 'You should see yourself when you're with them, you become red instantly.'

'Not true!' I defend myself.

'Honestly, the more you defend yourself, the more I start to think that you are hardcore crushing on Niall.'

'Niall?' I immediately ask.

She smirks. 'Yeah Niall, the boy who you get super shy and quiet around.'

'I don't..' I say softly and turn around. 'You can be really annoying, do you know that?' I laugh.


*p.o.v. Harry*

The boys and I walk towards our stuff defeated.

'All this effort has been for nothing.' Liam says in a sad voice.

'I just don't understand how none of us made it, I don't get it!' Louis says frustrated and sits on a bench.

'There were a lot of boys this year.' Niall sighs. 'We weren't good enough.'

A man walks into the room and looks around. 'Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Harry Styles and Liam Payne, please head to the stage.' He turns around and walks away.

We all look at each other and start walking immediately.

'Maybe Simon did listen to Sam after all.' Zayn says excited.

'If that's the case, I can't thank her enough.' Niall says enthusiastically.

'We'll see.' I say, before we go up the stage.

'You're all here, good.' Simon starts and looks around on the stage. Next to us are four girls, waiting just as anxiously as us. 'I have not chosen you as solo artists. However, someone came to me with the idea to turn you into groups, and I agree. You all are through to the next round as two groups.'

'We're through!' Louis screams, while he jumps up.

I go through my knees of happiness, and eventually get up again to join the groupshug.

'This is amazing!' Niall shrieks happily.

'We have to tell Sam!' Louis screams again and we run off the stage in search of Sam. 'There she is! Saaaam! We're through!!'

We start to run towards her and she turns around in the process, smiling sweet to us. 'I knew you would.'

'Now we all go to the judges' houses!' Cher yells excitedly and we crash into a hug with both of them. 

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