•Chapter 38•

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Perrie: Hi Sam, where are you??
Liam: Hey Sam, we're all wondering
Eleanor: 2 messages
Harry: 3 messages
Niall: 5 messages

Niall: 4 missed calls
Harry: 4 missed calls
Eleanor: 3 missed calls
Perrie 3 missed calls


*p.o.v. Niall*

No one has heard anything from Sam since yesterday afternoon. She sent me a message saying she was on her way to my place, but she never showed. We've already been to her house, but she wasn't there.

'Maybe her parents know something?' Zayn asks.

Danielle nods. 'Or Simon? Isn't he her emergence contact in England?'

'I think so.' Perrie says, questioning her own statement.

'We can always try right?' I say, while dialing Simon's number.

'Hello Niall, how can I help you?' we hear Simon on the other line.

I immediately put him on speakerphone. 'Hey Simon, we were wondering if you might have heard something about Sam?'

'I got a call last night saying that she's in the hospital with serious injuries. I'm heading there now.'

My heart stops for a few seconds, while my eyes grow wide. Everyone starts to make whispers and shocked sounds.

'Where is she?' Harry asks, and Simon gives us the address.

'I'm going.' I instantly say.

'We too.' Perrie says.

Eleanor nods. 'We all are.'

I scratch the back of my head. 'Isn't that a little intense?'

'Who cares?' Louis says while shrugging.

'I guess we're all going then.' Zayn says simple.


We're allowed in Sam's room per duo, and Eleanor and I are first to go in. We walk inside and my heart drops to my toes. She has terrible wounds everywhere. Needles go into her arms and oxygen goes into her nose. 

She looks like she's dead.. 

It's indescribable to say how I'm feeling right now.

Eleanor places her hand on my shoulder and smiles weakly at me. 'It will be alright.'

I grab Sam's hand and stroke over it. My eyes begin to burn with tears, and they slowly start to roll over my cheeks.

'It will be okay Niall. She's stable.' Eleanor says on a friendly and calm tone.

I sigh deep and begin to get frustrated. 'What if it won't be okay? Then she'll never know I love her!'

Eleanor blinks a few times, and is quiet for the rest of our visit.

When we walk back together, we see the others talking to a police officer.

'Hey, what's going on?' Eleanor asks confused.

'I'm here to ask a few questions to miss Samantha, since there was a car crash involving another car. We just need some information from her.' the police officer responds politely.

I nod and look to the ground. 'She's not awake yet.'

'Who is the other driver?' Liam asks.

The police officer looks doubtful, before replying. 'Um.. There was no other driver.'

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now