•Chapter 92•

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[A/n: The reception hall]

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[A/n: The reception hall]

I grab the big knife with both hands, and Niall places his hands over mine. We move to the wedding cake and cut the very first piece. Everyone cheers once we have put that piece on a plate. We hand the knife to one of the chefs, and he cuts the cake, putting the other pieces on different plates.

'Please, grab yourself some cake.' I say happily, and Niall and I walk to our table and sit down. I put our piece of cake in front of us.

When everyone is seated again, Greg stands up. He soon has everyone's attention, he clears his throat. 'I would like to make a toast to my little brother and my sister-in-law. When we heard the news that they were getting married, I couldn't believe it. My little brother getting married? He's like eight.'

We all laugh, and I look at Greg with a big smile.

'When I realised that he was going to marry Sam, I was relieved. It also brought me back to when he was still at the x Factor. He would call me occasionally and tell about this gorgeous girl who he really liked, but he didn't know how to tell her. Very shortly after they finally got together, he called me again, saying that he finally got the girl. Then he brought her home for the first time, and I got to know her. From that moment on, I knew that there is no one else better for Niall than Sam. Cheers to the happy couple, Niall and Sam.' he finishes his toast, and everyone cheers with him.

I look at Greg, and when he looks back, I mouth to him "Thank you.". He smiles kind to me, a smile that he definitely has from his mother, and he sits down again.

We all start to eat our piece of cake. It's delicious, wow! I savor every bite I take, but before I know it, our piece is gone.

Before we get the chance to get up and perform the first dance, Cher stands up, getting everyone's attention by tapping her fork against her glass. 'Before the party starts, I want to make a small toast as well. As some of you know, I was there from the very beginning. I saw these two drooling over each other every single single day, but no one ever made a move. Which wasn't good for my Nisa-heart. When they finally got together, I saw that both of them were beyond happiness. They're absolutely made for each other, and I'm so happy they finally had the guts to make it official all those years ago. Cheers to Nisa!'

Everyone cheers to Nisa, and I laugh. I get up and pull her into a hug. 'You're still so weird.'

'You're still so awful.' she replies, and we both laugh.

Niall stands up too, and takes my hand once Cher and I pull back from the hug. He leads me to the dance floor, and nods to the band.

A melody starts to play that I know too well.

'Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor.' I sing, and Niall's smile widens. We start to dance, while I keep singing.

'It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now. Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now. And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.' we both sing together, after which Niall sings the next solo.

'Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at aaaa-haaa-haaall.' Niall and I sing from the top of our lungs, while spinning around.

Everyone at the reception starts to sing the chorus, while Niall and I smile wide and dance together.

Seven years ago, we met with this song, and now we got married with this song. 

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