•Chapter 14•

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The boys haven't spoken to us at all in the last few days, and I don't get it.

Yesterday, Niall was drinking alone in the kitchen and when I started talking to him, he looked at me hazy, said he was busy and left the room.

It's like they don't want to be friends with us anymore, while we were so close. Did fame already change them? No. They just aren't like that, but what is going on then?

I snap out of my thoughts by Harry who storms off the stairs. When he passes me, he gives me a smile.

I quickly turn around to him. 'Harry?'

'Mhm?' he mumbles back, while turning back around.

'Is there something?' I ask, with a sad expression on my face. 'I have the feeling you're ignoring me lately.'

'I'm just busy, Sam. The fact that you have all the time in the world because you aren't practicing is not my fault.' he response harsh.

My sad expression changes into an angry one. 'Even during your free time, you're completely ignoring Cher and me.'

'Stop nagging!' he suddenly yells in my face.

I look at him in shock. 'I only wanted to know what is going on..' I say quietly. I turn around and run towards my room.

'Sam! I didn't mean it like that..' I hear Harry apologise.

You know what, fine. If the guys think I am not willing to work my butt off to win this competition, they're dead right.' I angrily walk to the rehearsal room.

'I thought we just said we would continue tomorrow, Sam?' my trainer, Ann, asks.

'I want to continue, I want to practice more, I want to win this competition.' I say determined.

'Are you okay?' she asks worried.

'I'm fine. Let's get started.' I say in the same voice.

'If you say so.' she says optimistic.


Absolutely exhausted, I walk to the dining room and sit down.

'You look really tired Sam, you okay?' asks Cher when she sees me.

'I've trained all day. I'm broken.' I say, before letting out a deep sigh. I look in front of me and see Harry sitting there.

'Sam..,' he starts softly. 'You know I didn't mean it like that, I'm just stressed.'

I nod. 'Okay.'

'Sam..' he repeats softly.

I ignore him and finish dinner. Once everyone is finished, I help clean up and go up to my room.

Cher quickly follows behind me. 'Okay, what's going on between you and Harry?'

'I found out today that apparently Harry and the other guys are too busy to even talk to us. I confronted Harry about it and he told me that I have all the time in the world to hang around since I don't work my butt off for this competition and then he yelled in my face.' I say furiously. 'Who do they think they are?!'

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