•Chapter 89•

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'So the theme is Lilies and Roses with rose gold?' Niall asks again.

'Yes, like the necklace you gave me years ago.' I answer, smiling wide and hold my necklace.

'We can put lilies and roses on the tables.' he suggests.

I nod heavily. 'That would be so cute.' I smile at the thought of it. 'Are the invitation send out?'

'Did that yesterday.' he responds.

'Good.' I say, grabbing my purse. 'I have to go, otherwise I'll be late for the dress shopping.'

'Have fun love.' he says, and gives me a quick kiss, before I head out.


I look into the mirror. 'It's not the dress.'

'I do like it, but not love it.' Maura says, and looks at my mother.

'I'm missing a sparkle there.' my mom agrees with Maura, and I nod.

'I do like the shape that it has though.' Cher says, and the others agree.

'Alright, let's search for another one.' says Mia, an employee at the dress shop we're looking today.

I walk back to the fitting room with her, and she's off to find me the perfect dress. I already have my mind put on the dress I want to have, which makes it more difficult to choose.

Mia comes back with an absolute gorgeous dress. It's figure-hugging, and has a beautiful rose gold tail. With Mia's help, I put on the dress and look at myself in the mirror. A tear rolls down my cheek. 'This is it.'

I walk over the others, and their reaction speaks a thousand words. My mom and Maura instantly got tears in their eyes, while Cher, Eleanor and Perrie had a very sentimental/emotional smile on their faces. I stand on the little stand before them and look into the mirror. 'It's the dress.'

'It definitely is the dress

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'It definitely is the dress.' my mom says, while tearing up even more. 'My baby looks so beautiful.'

I look at my mom, which brings tears to my eyes in an instant. 'Thank you mom.'

'We have to watch out that Niall won't faint at the altar.' Maura says with a kind smile on her face, and wipes away a few tears that escaped her eye.


After a lot of crying and complementing, the girls are finally trying on the bridesmaid dresses that I had already picked out for them.

'I am loving these dresses.' Perrie says in an enthusiastic tone, while walking with both Eleanor and Cher to the stands.

'They even match with your dress dear.' Maura says happily.

A big smile grows on my face. 'They're perfect.'

[A/n: This is the bridesmaid dresses]

[A/n: This is the bridesmaid dresses]

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