•Chapter 5•

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I walk around in the building where bootcamp will be held this year alone. I haven't spotted Harry yet, and I don't know anyone else.

When I walk away from the crowd of contestants, I hear a guitar. I walk into the direction of the music and find a blond-haired boy.

He is very focused on his guitar and is humming a song. He looks really adorable.

It takes a while before I recognise the song the is playing and start to sing with him automatically. 

He looks up surprised and smiles when he sees me.

I slowly walk towards him and sit next to him.

We finish singing the song together and he stops playing. 'I'm Niall.' he says with a smile.

'Samantha.' I say a bit shyly.

'You have a beautiful name.' he says sweet.

'Thank you.' I say blushing. 'You too. You play the guitar really well.'

'Thanks.' he say happy.

Is this flirting? Are we flirting? Were Harry and I flirting? I don't even know.

'You're not from England, are you?' I ask curiously.

'Nope. I'm from Ireland.' he says and proudly smiles to me. 'Where are you from?'

'I'm from the Netherlands.' I say and cheer.

He chuckles. 'Can you speak other languages? I always think that's really cool when a girl can do that.'

Just girls? I look up at him and nod. 'I can speak Dutch, obviously, English, French and German.'

'Cool! Can you teach me some Dutch?' he asks immediately.

'Uhm, let's see.' I start to think and look at him again. 'I can teach you how to introduce yourself?'

'Alright, I'm ready.' he says enthusiastically. 

 'Hallo.' I start.

'Haello.' he tries.

I giggle. 'Pretty good for an Irishman.' I teas him. 'Ik.'

He laughs and smirks. 'Accents are my specialty. Iek.'

'Sure.' I say and wink to him. 'Ben.'

'Ben.' he says with a strong Irish accent.

'And then your name.' I look at him.

'Niall. Haello, iek ben Niall.' he says proudly with a big grin on his face.

'Not bad.' I say giggling. 

We talk some more before heading back to the crowd.

'Harry!' I yell happily when I see him.

'Hey Sam.' he says with a smile on his face and gestures to me to come to him.

Niall and I walk towards him and I see Harry chatting with two brown-haired boys.

'Sam, this is Louis and this is Liam.' introduces Harry them.

'Hey.' Liam says friendly.

'What's up sunshine.' chuckles Louis.

'Hi, this is Niall.' I say and point to Niall.

'Hey guys.' Niall says with a smile on his face.

We're all asked to go to the stage and so we do. Once I stand on the stage, I stand next to a brown-haired girl. She has really edgy clothes on, but has a sweet face. 

'Hey.' I say to her and smile.

'Hii.' she answers sweet. 

'I'm Samantha.' I introduce myself and extend my hand towards her.

She shakes my hand. 'Cher.'

'Hello everyone, welcome to bootcamp.' Louis Walsch yells into a microphone. He immediately has the attention of everyone and we all cheer.

'Good to see you all again.' Simon starts. 'You'll be divided into four groups: The boys, the girls, people older than 25 and the groups. The groups will stay like this for the rest of the show.'

'We do have some bad news for you.' Louis says seriously all of a sudden.

A silence follows, but Simon breaks it quite quickly. 'From the 211 acts standing here, only twenty-four will go through to the judges' houses.'

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