•Chapter 25•

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It has been a few weeks since the boys visited. Since then, I've been busy promoting and finishing the album. I've decided last-minute to add one song about Charlie, and we're recording it today.

'One more time Sam, then we're done.' says Marc, my producer.

I nod, put one hand on the ear of my headphone and properly stand in front of the microphone.

"I might have saved a little trouble for the next girl
'Cause the next time that he cheats
Oh, you know it won't be on me
No, not on me

'Cause I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats

I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
I slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats

Oh, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
Oh, before he cheats

It's a very subtle song about cheating.

We finish recording and I leave the building. A few tears roll down my cheeks, and I quickly wipe them away. It still hurts so much.

I grab my phone and tweet: "The album is almost finished, bare with me. Thank you so much for your patience, you won't regret it. Love, Sam"

I want to put my phone back, when it starts to buzz.

Perrie: Hey Sam, we (El, Dani, Sel and I) were wondering
Charlie: Sam, please, let's talk about it

One day, Charlie will leave me alone. I open Charlie's text, without responding and open Perrie's.

"Hey Sam, we (El, Dani, Sel and I) were wondering whether or not you want to join us for lunch and shopping?"

I text her back, and a few minutes later I receive an address from her. I get into the car and Thom drives me to my destination. 


Perrie stands up as soon as she sees me. 'Hey, it's so good to see you again.' she says with a big grin on her face and embraces me in a hug.

'Hey, you look great.' I say smiling, and give the rest of the girls a hug, before sitting down. I get the feeling that Selena is either staring at me or ignoring me. Maybe Niall talked to her about our conversation.

'How have you been?' Dani asks as soon as I sit down.

'Busy as always.' I respond. 'You?'

'Good.' all three reply at the same time.

'How's your album? Almost ready?' Eleanor asks me.

'Almost. I had to add at least one song about Charlie.' I say with a faint smile.

'We're still so sorry for you Sam. Who does that?' Eleanor says sadly. 

I nod softly. 'Nothing we can do about it now.'

Perrie grabs the menus and gives everyone one. 'Food always makes everyone happier.'


We've been shopping and having fun the entire afternoon. Well, at least Dani, El, Perrie and I are having fun. 

Selena hasn't said a word all day, but keeps looking at me with a look that I cannot seem to place. The girls have asked her multiple times if something's wrong and she keeps answering that it's nothing.

When Selena and I are finally alone, I have to confront her. 'What's wrong Selena? You are so quiet.' I say, without really thinking about it.

'There's something I need to tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't tell Niall and that you won't get angry at me.' she responds hopeless.

'What's going on??' I ask worried.

She takes a few deeps breaths, before looking at me. 'I'm the one who Charlie cheated with.'

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