•Chapter 56•

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'Best I ever had. Hips don't lie. You make me wanna 'Ssss' one more night.' Niall sings and goes over his crotch, which makes the entire crowd go absolutely nuts.

'Mine!' I yell into the microphone, and the boys start to laugh.

They finish singing the song, after which I sing one of my songs. While I'm trying to perform my song, Louis and Liam are running around throwing water on each other. Near the end of the song, Louis empties a bottle of water on my back and I squeal, jumping away from him.

'You're going to pay for that, Tommo.' Niall says into his microphone, before getting a bottle of water himself and chases Louis.

While still singing, I also grab a water bottle and chase after Louis as well. 'Come here Loulou!' I scream between lines.

'Never Sammy!' he shouts back, while running around.

Harry, Liam and Zayn all tackle Louis to the ground and Niall and I gently pour the content of our bottles over Louis' body.

'There you go Loulou.' I laugh, after finishing the song. 'And thank you boys for helping.'

'He deserves it.' Zayn says laughing and looks at Louis, who is soaking wet.

'Cheaters.' Louis says shaking himself like a dog. 'Without them, you would've never caught me.'

'I definitely would've caught you eventually.' I reply and chuckle.

Heart attack of the boys start to play, and Harry begins to sing. 'Got your voice in my head. Saying let's just be friends. Can't believe the words came out of your mouth, yeah.'

You wouldn't say, but Harry wrote that song about me. I think it's an incredible song, and since he wrote it, things between us have gone to normal again.

'And I'm like. Ow, never thought it'd hurt so bad. Getting over you and Ow, you're giving me a heart attack. Looking like you do .'Cause you're all I ever wanted. Thought you would be the one that's Ow, giving me a heart attack. Getting over you.' all the boys sing, and I lip sync along. Harry looks at me and smiles wide, before turning back to the crowd.

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