•Chapter 51•

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Niall and I quickly get out of the car and walk into the restaurant. Today is our one-year anniversary!

'How can I help you?' a waiter asks.

'Hi, we have a reservation for two on the name Horan.' Niall answers.

The waiter nods, and looks at his book full of reservations. 'This way.' We walk after him and sit down at a table for two. 'Can I get you anything to drink?

'A bottle of red wine please.' I reply. The waiter nods yet again, and walks away. 

Niall and I are at a really chic restaurant. Fortunately for us, it is very quiet because not a lot of people are allowed in here. It's kind of exclusive, shall we say. Which is very nice, because since the media knows about me and Niall, we're being followed constantly.

The waiter returns with the wine, and pours two glasses for us. We order our food and he leaves again.

'How's your album?' Niall asks, and takes a sip of his wine.

'Good. It's finished. Yours?' I reply with a smile.

Niall plays a bit with his glass. 'It's going great. This is the album in which I have the most solos so far. Plus the music is edgier and more fun, so I'm excited.'

'I'm sure more people are excited and probably can't wait until you release it.' I say smiling wide, and Niall smiles back.

Once the food is on the table, we both attack it right away.

'This is delicious.' I say, enjoying every bite I take. I look up at Niall, who has his mouth stuffed with his food.

Charming like always.

Niall smiles, and takes my hand. 'I'm so happy that we mixed our tours. I couldn't be away from you for months again.'

'We're going to tour around the world together.' I respond in a proud voice, and intertwine our hands.

His smile becomes brighter and bigger, and he puts down his fork to raise his glass of wine. 'To our one-year anniversary love.'

I also raise my glass and we toast. 'Happy one-year anniversary.' 

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