•Chapter 50•

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Niall nervously takes my hand, while the car slowly stops. 'We're here.'

'I know.' I say smiling, and squeeze softly in his hand. 'I'm so excited to see the documentary, Nialler.' For today, I'm wearing a simple, figure-hugging, dark blue dress. It has a deep V-neck which is made out of white lace.

 It has a deep V-neck which is made out of white lace

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'You're going to love it.' he replies happily. He takes a few deep breaths, before we get out of the car. Loud cheers and many flashes meet us.

Perrie and Zayn walk in our direction. I look at Perrie her hand. The engagement-ring is stunning. Once they reach us, I take her hand right away. 'It's such a beautiful ring. Congratulations again.' 

'Thank you.' Perrie says delighted, and looks at Zayn with a look full of love. They are so adorable together. She looks at me again. 'Liam and Sophia are here together.'

'So it's official?'

Perrie nods. 'She's really nice, but it's a bit weird not to see Liam with Danielle anymore.'

'I know, but it's Liam's love life, not ours.' I reply.

'True, mine is going a lot better.' she says with a wink.

The four of us walk to the red carpet, where the others are. Zayn and Niall walk to the other lads to get photographed by the media, while Perrie and I walk to Eleanor and Sophia.

'It's so nice to meet  you Samantha.' Sophia says on a sweet tone.

'It nice to meet you too. You can call me Sam, though.' I respond smiling back.

'All those cameras drive me crazy.' Eleanor laughs, whilst hiding behind Perrie and me.

'Isn't standing in front of a camera the majority of your job?' I ask confused.

'Yeah it is, but not this many.' she replies shyly. 'Sophia and I are heading inside, we'll see you after the red carpet.'


'Family is the most important thing.' Niall's voice says over the videos of the wedding. Niall and I are dancing, and we share a kiss at the end of the video, before it cuts over to Niall. 'Sam is family. She's not only my girlfriend, but also one of my best friends. Without her help and support, I wouldn't be where I am today.'

Then Maura appears on the big screen, after a short video of us talking. 'Niall is my baby boy, and now he's a big pop star and has this other big pop star as his girlfriend. It's overwhelming at times, and I miss him a lot, but I know that he has his bandmates and girlfriend to get him through everything and that makes me feel at ease.'

Niall takes my hand, and I look at him. His eyes are watery, but he has a huge smile on his face. I give him a small kiss on his cheek. He keeps staring to the screen, until our footage is over. 'I love you princess.'

'I love you too Nialler.' I say with happiness overtaking my voice.

We laughed, cried, smiled, and so on for the rest of the documentary.

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