•Chapter 99•

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'We know who did it.'

'Who?' I ask instantly, while trying to sit up straight. Niall sees me struggling and helps me up. 'Thank you.'

'No problem.' he replies and kisses my head.

'We're currently bringing her to the station for a statement, but here is a photo.' the police officer says, and gives us a picture.

I get frightened when I see the woman on the photo, but I'm not the only one, Niall also. I look at him in confusion.

He looks back at me with big, scared eyes. 'This is the woman that hurt your mother. She made me break up with you.'

'She's also the one that I kept seeing at my concert and signings.' I reply, and get even more scared than I was before. This woman is a stalker.

'I got more bad news for you then.' the police officer interrupts us. 'She was present at the crime scene of your car accident. We believe it's her who controlled the other car in the "accident.".'

This woman has been stalking me for five years. But why? What in heaven's sake have I done to her? I don't even know her.

The police officer gets a call back from his station. 'She has done her statement. She claims that you ruined a certain Charlie Puth's career by exposing him. She thought that you had to pay for that.' He looks at me with much pity and compassion. 'The things people are capable of doing for such insignificant reasons.'

Niall wraps his arm around me, allowing me to hide my head in his chest.

'But you will no longer be bothered by her. She was a loner, and looking at this statement, she's likely to go to a mental hospital. In addition, she did murder several innocent citizens during the shooting.' the police officer says. I give my statement about the what happened and he goes away.

I look at Niall with tears in my eyes. 'I need to make it right with the victims and their loved ones.'

[A/n: The very last day of uploading WIAS😭]

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