•Chapter 95•

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Home sweet home. Our dream honeymoon unfortunately came to an end, but it was the best time ever. It has been couple of weeks since we're back actually, but we're still in our newly wed bubble.

I wash the soap off my body, and get out of the shower. I quickly wrap a towel around my body, and pick up my phone, that has been ringing. 'Hello?'

'Hello Samantha. Congratulations on the wedding.' I hear Simon's voice on the other side of the phone. I don't know what it is, but his voice is so distinctive.

'Hi Simon, thank you so much.' I reply cheerful.

It's quite for a little bit on the other line, before he speaks again. 'I have this concert in Manchester, and someone else was supposed to perform there tonight, but they cancelled last-minute. Now, I hate to ask you this, but I was wondering if you would want to perform in their place?'

A small chuckle leaves my mouth. 'Of course, I would love to. Where and what time?'

'Thank you so much. It starts at eight, but if you could come right away for the soundcheck and everything, that would be terrific. I'll mail the address to you.' he says and I can hear a relieved sigh from his side.

I laugh. 'No problem, I'll be there as soon as possible.'

'Thank you again.' he says. We say goodbye and hang up.

'Nialler!' I shout through the house.

'Yeah?!' he shouts back from the living room.

I walk out of the bathroom to him. 'Simon needed someone for a last-minute show, so I'm heading there as soon as I'm dressed.'

'Alright babe, have fun.' he says with a big smile on his face. 'I'll be here waiting for you when you get back.'

I smile to him, and walk to the bedroom to get dressed. Once I'm done, I walk back to Niall and give him a long kiss on his mouth. 'See you later.' 

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