•Chapter 11•

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'Good luck Cher.' I say smiling, while she's walking up the stairs. 

It's time for the results of the auditions. We need to go to Cheryl individually and then we hear whether or not we made it.

Cher was really nervous, because her audition went really bad.

I'm not 100% focused, because of Niall's text. When I showed Cher, she went crazy. She said that he was definitely flirting and kept asking me whether or not I liked him.

'Samantha!' Someone grabs me by my shoulder and I scream. The man laughs and tells me to go to Cheryl.

'Right.' I say quietly, still breathing heavily of the scare. I get up and walk to Cheryl.

'Hey Samantha.' she says and smiles sweet.

'Hi.' I say abruptly and sit down.

'Alright Samantha,' she starts and sighs slightly. 

OMG, I'm going home! Maybe I'm not! I am going home! All kinds of thoughts form in my head in the few seconds that she is silent. I take a few deep breathes to not explode of emotion.

'Your voice is incredible, one of the best I have ever heard. However, when you perform I miss something that I have seen with other people.'

I look at her confused.

'You see, you miss confidence while you're performing. You're not as confident as you should be with a voice like that.' she clarifies and I nod softly.

'Based on those two factors, I have made my decision about you.' she says in a stern voice, which I'm not used to with her. 'My decision is that you are through to the next round!'

My eyes instantly fill with tears of happiness. 'Thank you.' is the only thing that can escape my mouth. 

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