•Chapter 40•

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Once again, I'm standing before Niall's place. He told me to dress comfortably, and I did, partially. I have a white top, paired with blue jeans which has holes at the knees, because why would you buy jeans that don't have holes, am I right?

 I have a white top, paired with blue jeans which has holes at the knees, because why would you buy jeans that don't have holes, am I right?

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I ring his doorbell, and my heart starts to beat faster every time I hear his footsteps.

The door slowly opens and Niall is standing in the opening with a big grin on his face. 'You look lovely.' 

We match a little bit. He has a white shirt on with black jeans.

 He has a white shirt on with black jeans

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'You too. Simple, but elegant.' I say winking at him, and he grins even more.

'Come in.' he says, and makes way for me to walk inside.

I walk inside and look around in the living room. He closed all the curtains and put candles everywhere. Even the fireplace is lit. All kinds of games are piled up, and drinks and snacks are displayed. He shoved the two couches together and put pillows and blankets everywhere. It looks so cozy.

In the meantime, Niall came up next to me. 'I wanted to do something lowkey, truly just the two of us. If we would go out for dinner, there are always paparazzi and fans.'

'I rather stay home, than go out.' I say and wink at him again.

'Would you like something to drink? A red wine or something else?' he asks, while walking towards the drinks.

'A red wine sounds lovely.' I say smiling.

He nods, pours me a glass of wine and gives it to me. 'There you go.' He also grabs a pint for himself. 'Want to play a game?'

'Only if you aren't a sore loser, because I will beat you.' I joke and he laughs.

'Of course you will, if you believe that crap.' he says while winking at me and scans through the games. 'Monopoly?'

I nod chuckling and put on my "game face". 'Be prepared to lose all your money.'


And yet again Niall and I burst out into laughing. 

'I don't understand the game anymore.' I say, while laughing hard.

Niall wipes away a tear of laughter. 'Let's call it a draw.'

'Deal.' I say chuckling and take a sip of my drink.

'I want to let you hear something. I've been writing it the last few weeks now, since you were in the accident.' He looks shyly to his hands. 'I want you to know that you're the inspiration behind the song.'

My cheeks start to burn, and the butterflies are flying around my stomach. 'I'm very interested now.'

He gets his guitar and starts to play. After a little bit of playing, he finally starts to sing.

I look at him, while he's playing and singing and start to melt from the inside. He's so dreamy and sweet.

He looks up at me, while still singing. 

'Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss
And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this
I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl
And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world

Truly, madly, deeply, I am
Foolishly, completely fallin'
And somehow, you caved all my walls in
So baby, say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you
In love with you'

He looks back to his guitar again. A big smile appears on my face. He's not even mine, and yet I am so lucky with him. I've known him from before he was famous, and yet I'm screaming on the inside, name it fangirling if you will.

'Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you, with you. In love with you, with you. In love with you, with you. With you.' He puts away his guitar again and looks at me. 'What do you think?'

'It sounds beautiful. The song is incredible.' I say as calm as I can. 'You're in love with me?'

He nods softly. 'For a few weeks now. I realised how much you mean to me when you got into that accident.'

I lean in and softly press my lips on his. He lays his hand on my cheek and I scoot over closer to him. 

After a little while, I pull back from the kiss and look into his eyes. 'I'm in love with you too.'

He smiles wide at me and kisses me again. When he pulls back, he looks into my eyes. 'Sam, I have to asks this. Will you by my girlfriend?'

A bright smile grows on my face, and before I kiss him again, I say; 'Definitely.' 

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