•Chapter 41•

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[A/n: Thank you for 1K :)]

We're back at the x Factor for one night only, thank god. The boys and I were asked to perform tonight, so we can't really say no to that. So here we are!

The boys gave an amazing performance of Kiss you. The audience absolutely loved it and the judges only had to say good things about them, which made me so happy.

Out of the blue, I hear a very familiar voice. I jog to the side of the stage and see Cher performing her hit single Want you back. A big smile appears on my face when I see her again.

After her performance, she talks a bit with Dermot and the judges, before heading backstage. She is so busy smiling and waving to the audience and camera's that she hasn't seen me yet.

'Boo!' I shout, when she's finally backstage.

She squeals of shock. 'What the-!' she yells, until she sees my laughing head and starts to chuckle herself. 'You are awful.'

'I missed you too.' I say fake-emotional.

'As I said, you are awful.' she laughs and gives me a hug. 'I didn't know you would be here tonight. I knew that the guys were, but not you.'

'Surprise.' I say with a smile.

She chuckles and walks with me to get something to drink. 'Soo, how are things between you and Niall?'

'Really good.' I say happily.

'Can I just say that it took you two waaay too long to get together? I was shipping you from the day you two met.' she says and sighs dramatically.

I start to laugh. 'You were shipping us?'

'Duh, I was #teamNisa from day one.' she replies while cheering.

''#teamNisa?' I ask chuckling.

'Niall + Samantha = Nisa.' she says, like it's the most normal thing in the world. 'A lot of people were #teamSarry though, but not me. I'm a true Nisa veteran.'

'Let me guess, Samantha + Harry = Sarry?' I say with question in my voice.

She nods proudly. 'You talk like you've been in the fandom for years.'

I shake my head laughing. 'It's because I have.'


The music slows down, the spotlights are aimed at me, and I return to the middle of the stage. I can hear the audience really well now, because the music is so quiet now.

'Stone-hard, machine gun. Firing at the ones who fun. Stone-hard, thus bulletproof glaaa-aaa-aaa-aaa-aaa-aaas.' I sing as well as I possibly can. The lights go back on, and the music returns, while I fill my lungs with air again. 'You shout me down, but I won't fall. I am tiiiitaaaaaniiiuuuuuum.'

'I am titanium.' I finish the song, and the crowd start to cheer and shout very loud. A huge smile grows on my face, while I try to catch my breath again. 'Thank you.'

Dermot walks to me with a grin on his face. 'What's it like to be back here with Cher and One Direction?'

'Very nostalgic.' I respond. 'It keeps being so exciting, yet nerve-racking to perform here.'

'Your voice has only become stronger and more beautiful since you left the show. You write hit after hit, and you're just a born superstar.' Louis Walsh starts off the feedback. 'It's a shame that Simon isn't here, you were his favourite, not mine.'

I chuckle together with the audience.

'Any advise for the candidates?' Dermot asks.

'Give it everything you got and be proud of your performance. That's all that matters. It doesn't matter if you become fourth, second or first, you'll all end up back at the x Factor again anyway.' I reply and everyone laughs.

'Give a huge applause for Samantha!' Dermot shouts into his microphone, before I walk off the stage.

'Hey you.' Niall all of a sudden is standing in front of me and places his hands on my hips. 'You were great.'

'Thank you.' I say blushing and give a short kiss on his lips.

I want to pull back again, but Niall stops me. His lips are still slightly pressed on mine. 'Too short.' he whispers and I can feel his warm breath against my lips, before he kisses me again.

The butterflies are released again in my stomach. I lay my hands on his cheeks and he pulls me closer towards him. 

Niall and I have been together for a few months now, but the world doesn't know it yet, and we like to keep it this way for a while. No paparazzi are trying to take photos of us every chance they get, it's nice and quiet. 

When I pull back from the kiss again, Niall looks at me with a small pout. 'Silly.' I say with a giggle and he smiles again.

'Can you believe that it's been two years since we were in the finale?' he asks.

'Time flies when you're having fun.' I reply smiling.

'It's so weird to think that two years ago I wanted to kiss you so badly, and now I just do it.' he says with a big smirk on his face, before kissing me again.

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