•Chapter 26•

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She takes a few deeps breaths, before looking at me. 'I'm the one who Charlie cheated with.'

My heart drops to my feet and the whole world seems to stand still for a second. 'Y-you can't expect me not to tell Niall.'

'Please don't tell him.' she begs me.

'You cheated on him Selena!' I yell frustrated. 

'What's going on here?!' Perrie, Eleanor and Danielle rush around the corner.

I'm furious, livid even! Everything that comes out of my mouth is screams. How dare she! 'Charlie cheated with Selena! Selena is the mystery girl! She cheated on Niall!'

 'What?!' the others squeal. 

'You can't tell him!' Selena still begs, but it has no use.

I shake my head heavily. 'How could you do that to him?! You're disgusting Selena!'

'I know you have a soft spot for Niall, but please I don't want to lose him.'

'Then think with your brains instead of your vagina!' I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down. 'Either you tell him or we will.'

Now, it's she who is heavily shaking her head. 'He will never want to see me ever again. He was infuriated when he found out that Charlie cheated on you.'

'That's the point sweetheart.' I say cynical. I don't care anymore, she disgusts me.

'How do Charlie and you even know each other?' Dani asks suddenly.

'Who cares?' I respond.

'We recorded a song that would be released later this year.' she looks at her feet. 'We don't talk anymore.'

'Well, doesn't that just fit perfectly?' I say in a sarcastic tone. 'I can't even look at you anymore.' I turn around and look at my feet. 'For a second I was feeling for you, but now..'

Perrie wraps an arm around me, while Dani grabs our stuff.

'Even if Niall forgives you, you don't need to expect us to do the same.' Eleanor says relentlessly. She grabs her stuff and we leave the store with the four of us.

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