•Chapter 53•

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I ring the doorbell and wait excitedly next to Niall, which makes him chuckle.

The door opens and my mom appears in the opening. 'Sweetheart! It's so good to see you.' She pulls me into a tight hug, almost squeezing me flat.

'Hi mom.' I reply smiling wide, and eventually she lets me go.

'Hello love, I'm so happy to see you too.' she says, turning to Niall, before giving him a hug too. 'How have you been with all the touring?'

'It's tiring, but so worth it. I'm so glad-' Niall tells my mom, but I'm not really listening to him as I walk inside the house.

I walk into the living room and there he is, behind his trusty old newspaper. 'Hey dad.'

He looks up from his newspaper in an instant. 'Pumpkin, you're back!' he says happily, gets up out of his chair and hugs me tight. 'I missed you.'

'Ahw, I missed you too dad.' I respond, and get a bit emotional from it.

Niall and my mom enter the room, and I pull back from the hug.

'Hey son.' my dad says with a smile, before shaking Niall's hand.

My mom makes us some tea, and we all sit down in the living room. 'Start talking. How has everything been?'


'I can't wait to tour together with the lads. It will be so much fun.' I say happily.

'I'm sure it will be.' my mom replies.

Niall takes my hand, and squeezes softly in it. I look at him, and he's deep in thought.

After talking for a while with my parents, Niall and I walk upstairs to freshen up a bit before dinner. Once we're upstairs, he quickly grabs his phone and starts to type like a maniac.

I walk to the toilet, do my thing, freshen up a bit in the bathroom and walk back into the room. 'What were you thinking about just yet?' I ask Niall, and look up at him. He has just taken off his shirt when I look at him. 'Well hello there.'

'You always say how little attention span of me and the guys have, and you literally got distracted within two seconds.' he says laughing.

'I can't help it when you're shirtless, that's not my fault, ask the fans.' I reply, while blushing slightly.

He laughs harder and puts on a sweater. 'I came up with a new song idea. I had to write it down quickly, before I forgot.'

'Can I read it?' I ask curiously.

'Not yet, when it's finished you can.' he says with a wink.

'Dinner's ready.' my mom announces from downstairs, and Niall and I go to the dining room.

We all sit down and start to eat.

'It's so lovely of you two to visit us before tour.' my mom says happily.

'I wanted to see you before we go, because then I won't be able to visit anymore for while.' I respond.

'It's still a nice surprise.' my dad says winking at me.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now