•Chapter 67•

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I grab a plate out of my cupboard, and put the fresh toast I made on it. I scoop my egg on the toast and grab a glass, which I pour full with lemonade. I sit at the table with my drink and food, and start to eat.

I get a phone call from dad. He doesn't usually call me, but it's nice if he does, so I pick up excitedly. 'Hey dad.'

'Hey pumpkin.' he replies, and I can hear him sniff.

'Are you okay?' I ask worried.

'I myself am doing alright, it's your mother I'm calling about.' he says.

What's could be going on with mom?? 'What's going on with her?'

'We're in the hospital right now. She suddenly collapsed this morning.' he responds, and I can hear the pain in his voice. 'I talked to a doctor, and we both don't understand how this could've happened. They think it might be a heart attack.'

'I'm coming your way immediately, I should be there before the night.'

'Stay safe pumpkin.' he says. 'I love you, see you soon.'

'I love you too.' and with that I hang up the phone. I'm packing a small suitcase, when I hear the front door open and close, and not much later, Niall is standing in the door opening of the bedroom.

'What's going on?' he asks confused when he sees me packing.

'My mom is in the hospital. The doctor says it could be a heart attack, but they're not sure.' I say, still quickly packing.

'Your mom is in the hospital?!' he exclaims, and I look at him in confusion of why he reacts like that.

'Yes, so I'm going there now.' I reply.

'I'm coming with you.' he says, and starts packing his stuff.

'I'll be fine on my own.' I say, but it has no use. My stubborn Nialler has decided to join me, and so he will.

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