•Chapter 87•

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I label the last box of all my stuff with "Bathroom" and move it outside. I walk inside for one last time and look around. This is it. It's no longer mine.

I leave the keys on the table, and walk outside again, closing the door behind me. It feels good to finally close this chapter and start a new one, together with Niall.

I get into my own car and drive before the moving truck, so he can follow me to the new house.

Once we're there, I park my car on the drive-in, and get out of it. Niall, together with the other lads, is moving all his stuff inside.

Somehow it feels weird to me that Niall and I are moving together. Which is weird, considering the fact that we basically lived together already.

I walk inside, so I can monitor where everyone is going and tell everyone where to put each box. 'Louis, it's labelled bathroom, so it must go to the bathroom. It's up the stairs to the left.' 'The kitchen is the other way.' 'You don't have to move the dogs, Zayn, they can walk themselves.' 'Harry, stop peaking in all the boxes.' 'Thank you for the tea Liam.' 'Put the dogs down Zayn.'

After what seems like the longest day of my life, everything is finally inside the house. The movers have gone home, but the lads decided to stay.

'Let's celebrate the new house.' Louis says hyper.

The doorbell rings, and while I walk towards it I tell Louis that we don't have anything to celebrate it with. I open the door and to my surprise is Eleanor standing there with a bottle of something in her hands. 'Congratulations on the new house.'

'Ahw thank you El.' I say delighted and let her inside. 'We still need to clean everything up.'

'That's okay, I just wanted to see everything.' she says happily, and looks around. She stops when she sees Louis. 'If this is an inconvenient time, I can come back later.'

'Please stay.' Louis replies, and she nods softly.

Everyone feels the tenseness and awkwardness, so I raise the bottle of champagne. 'Let's pop this open and celebrate.' 

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