•Chapter 55•

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The music of Midnight Memories starts to play and the lads go on stage. The crowd goes mental out there, and the boys jump around and have fun on the stage while singing the song.

The last beat of the song finishes, and a whole spectacle of lights marks the ending of the first song.

'You know that this tour will be a lot different, with not only us on the stage, but our best friend too.' Zayn starts his little speech, while the music of Break free start to play. 'Here she is, Samantha!'

'If you want it, take it. I should have said it before. Tried to hide it, fake it. I can't pretend anymore.' I sing, while walking onto the stage to the boys. They embrace me in a group hug, which the audience is dying about.

I pull back from the group hug and continue my performance. When I look over my shoulder, I see that Louis is mocking me by imitating me. I burst out into laughter, and walk towards him. 'If you're so good at imitating me, let's see how well your singing imitating is, right everyone?'

The crowd cheers loud, and Louis has a cheeky grin on his face. 'Alright, you got it.'

'Thought of your body, I came alive. It was lethal, it was fatal. In my dreams it felt so right.' Louis and I sing together while also doing the dance that accompanies it. 'But I woke up, every tiiiiiime.' I easily excel Louis during the last note, as he gives up quite quickly.

'Oh baby!' I sing jokingly to Louis, and finish singing the song.

'Louis, I have to say, you disappointed me there.' Liam jokes.

'Losing from her like that. It's not the Louis that we know.' Harry continues.

'Oi, you try to sing and dance along with her. Jesus, that's impossible mate.' Louis replies, still out of breath.

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