•Chapter 48•

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I nervously wait for Niall to enter his hotel suite. After my last performance, I came here as quickly as possible to surprise him, and I think I will.

I hear his voice in the corridor, and my heart start to race. I get up with much enthusiasm. I could scream of happiness, but I won't.

The door opens and Niall looks right into my eyes. 'Sam!' he cheers. He slams the door shut, runs to me and kisses me passionately.

I keep kissing him, and kissing him, and kissing him. I missed him so much!

'I... Missed... You... So... Much.' he mumbles in-between kisses. 

I pull back a little bit. 'I missed you too.' I say, and instantly kiss him back.

He lifts me and smoothly lays me down on bed, without parting our lips.

I go with my fingers through his hair, before sliding over his chest with my hands and pulling off his shirt.

He looks at me for a few seconds. 'I love you, and I'll show you.'


I slowly wake up from someone stroking through my hair. I open my eyes, and see Niall looking at me with the biggest smile.

'Good morning princess.' he says happily and kisses my forehead.

I smile back sleepy. 'Morning handsome.'

'Breakfast is on its way. I have a few hours before rehearsal starts, would you like to go sightseeing with me?' he asks.

'That sounds lovely.' I reply with a smile. 

After breakfast, we both get dressed. Since it's May and we're in Milan, it's warm outside. I put on a white top with shorts and knot a checkered blouse around my waist. I pair it with a small, black purse and Niall's necklace that he gave me for my birthday.

 I pair it with a small, black purse and Niall's necklace that he gave me for my birthday

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We go outside and start to explore Milan.

'It's so gorgeous and magnificent.' I say while walking around. 'The buildings are so old and authentic.' 

Niall touches my hand shortly, before taking away his hand again. I look at him, thinking he wanted my attention. 'I wanted to hold your hand, but with the paparazzi and fans around every corner, I wouldn't want to take the risk.'

I giggle quietly. What is this boy adorable.


The lads are busy with their soundcheck, while I look at the pictures of Niall and I that we made this afternoon. We have seen so many things, from parks to cathedrals to cute shopping streets. I look up from my phone and only see Eleanor and Perrie. 'Where's Dani? She would be here right?'

'You haven't heard the news yet, have you?' Perrie asks.

'What news?' I ask worried.

'Liam and Danielle broke up.' Eleanor says in a sad voice. 'All the touring and seeing Liam so little was too much for Dani.'

Perrie also has a very sad face. 'And I get that. Dani has more to do than join on a tour, she has a career of her own, but it's such a shame.'

'How's Liam?' I ask.

'He's having a tough time, but the others are helping him through it.' Perrie says with a faint smile.

I nod. 'And Dani?'

'I don't know. She's has isolated herself with her family.' Eleanor responds.

To think that Dani saw Liam far more than I see Niall...

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