•Chapter 31•

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I step out of the SUV and walk onto the red carpet. I look to the gigantic, neon-lights MTV logo, smile and walk to the spot for the photos. For tonight, I'm wearing a red, slim dress with quite a deep V-neck.

 For tonight, I'm wearing a red, slim dress with quite a deep V-neck

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I smile wide to the camera's, and pose for a few minutes. Once I'm finished, I look to my left and see the boys standing there.

Harry was already looking at me, but when he saw me looking back, he quickly looked away.

I walk to them. 'Hi boys. Looking good.'

'Says you.' Niall says and winks at me.

My cheeks instantly start to burn. 'Thank you.'

'Congratulations with all your nominations Sam.' Liam says smiling at me.

'Thank you, you too.' I reply politely. 'Good luck with your performance.' I smile to them and walk inside.

When I stand still for a second, Harry walks next to me. He doesn't look at me at all. 'You good luck too.' he says softly, before making his way to his seat.

I walk towards my seat, when I notice that I'm sitting next to Charlie. Why God?! Why?! I sigh deeply, and eventually sit down next to him.

'Hey babe. Nice song you released about me.' he says and smiles a bit fake friendly to me.

'Listen, I am just as annoyed as you to sit next to you, so please, shut it.' I say rolling my eyes.


'The nominees for Best New Artist are: Carly Rae Jepsen with Call me maybe, The Wanted with Glad you came, Frank Ocean with Swim good and One Direction with What makes you beautiful.'

I cross my fingers for the boys. They have already won Best Pop Video and Most Share-Worthy Video, with this award they would've won all the categories they were nominated for.

'And the winner is... One Direction!'

'Yes.' I whisper happily to myself.

The guys go to the stage for their acceptance speech. I film the entire speech and upload the video to Twitter with the caption "Couldn't be more proud. Congrats lads x".

'And now for the category Video Of The Year. The nominees are: Rihanna with We found love, Samantha with Before he cheats, Katy Perry with Wide awake, and Gotye with Somebody that I used to know.'

I look at Charlie and smile to him. 'So many nominations, all because of you. Don't worry, I'll personally make sure that you get all the credit you deserve.'

He shakes his head heavily. 'There's no need for that.'

'The winner is... Samantha with Before he cheats!'

'And yet I will.' I wink at him. I stand up and walk to the stage. I give the hosts three kisses, before receiving the award. 'I would have never ever received this award without Charlie. Charlie was my inspiration for this super subtle song. It was therapy for my to write it, and I'm overloaded with joy with I see how much support it has gotten from everyone around the world. Thank you.'

I walk off the stage and look at the rows of celebrities, and I find the boys quickly. Harry winks and smiles at me, before looking back to the stage.


It's like two o'clock. Or maybe three? I've had a couple of drinks. Not too many, like six I think? Maybe eight. Or was it eleven? I lost count while drinking. 

'She really has to go home.' I hear Liam say. Or is it Zayn? I'm a little confused, because right now all their voices sound the same.

'I'll take her home, you go home to Eleanor.' I hear someone else say. 

Huh? The other person was Louis? I'm so stupid. I start to laugh hysterically, because of my own stupidity.

'Okay, you're going home.' Someone grabs my drink out of my hand and also holds that hand. I'm being led to a car and put into it. I start to laugh again when I think just how easily someone can kidnap me.

After a long car ride, I'm finally allowed to get out. I look up. 'Ey, that's my house!'

'You were always the smart one, weren't you.' the person laughs. 

Who in the world is it? I look in the direction of the person, but it's too dark to see who it is. I go into my house, and so does the mystery person.

'Thank you for bringing me home.' I say.

The mystery person walks to me and presses his lips on mine. 

Ah, what the hell, what do I have to lose? I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck, which causes me to be able to feel his hair.

It's Harry.

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