•Chapter 28•

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I've been turning in bed for hours now. I can't sleep. I keep thinking about what happened today with Niall.

*flashback effect*

He lays his hand on my cheek and keeps coming closer, until our lips touch.

I know that we shouldn't do this. I know it's not smart. I know I should pull back.

But I don't want to. 

I want to kiss him. For so long now.

I kiss him back, while I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his body onto mine.

He turns us around so I'm on top. He slowly slides his hands over my body and I go with my hands slowly over his.

*end of flashback*

This is what happens when you think too much with your heart or vagina.

I have never been so confused in my entire life. I don't know in what place Harry and I, and Niall and I are both recovering from a bad breakup. I'm a mess..

I should've never kissed him back, but I wanted it so badly.

Niall probably wants to talk about what happened, and I'm not ready for that.

I've still got so much planned and need to plan so much, I don't have time for boys.

What did I get myself into..?

*flashback effect*

His hands go back to my cheeks and he kisses me intenser.

My hands move slowly through his hair.

*end of flashback*

I wish that moment never ended. It was perfect.

Chloe waddles into my room, and I pick her up. 'Help me Chlo. I don't know what to do.'

Chloe responds by hiding her head in my belly. She's so adorable. Because of her, I forget everything for a second.

With the emphasis on a second, because then my phone buzzed and my heart sank.

Niall: Sorry Sam, I just talked to Harry and he

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