•Chapter 27•

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I had just gotten out of the shower, when I heard my phone buzz. I wrap a towel around me, look on my phone and notice that I received a text from Niall.

"Hey, I heard the news from Selena. Could we talk? I feel like you're the only one that understands me right now"

Poor Niall.. Charlie could've cheated with so many girls, just not Selena, Perrie, Eleanor, Danielle of any other girl in a relationship for that matter. 

"Hey, you can come to my house. I've got dogs that can cheer you up ;)"

"Thank you Sam"
"I'm there in 45 min"

I dry myself and put on pants with holes at the knees, a black top and my white Adidas shoes.

I dry myself and put on pants with holes at the knees, a black top and my white Adidas shoes

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I make some tea and wait together with my two puppies on Niall.


'I just don't get why she did it. What did I do wrong?' Niall asks, while he sniffs. 'I gave her my everything and this is her reaction?'

'I'm truly so sorry for you Niall. I wished it was some other chick that I didn't know.' I say, and feel a little bit guilty.

It's quiet for a very long time, before he asks: "How are you feeling?"

'I'm okay. I've been crying for days, it's all out now.' I smile weakly at him. 'This only shows me more what a dickhead he is.'

'You don't deserve someone like that. You deserve someone who knows how lucky he is when he has you.' he says softly, while looking at me. 'Someone that can't get enough of you. Someone who doesn't just receive 100% from you, but also gives 100% back.'

'Selena doesn't deserve you at all, Niall.' I say, while looking at him.

'I miss that you call me Nialler.' he says, while he studies every single detail on my face. 'I love it when you do.'

I blush slightly and become warm on the inside.

He gets up out of his chair and sits on the couch next to me. He keeps moving closer and closer.

What do I do? Should I stop it and get up? 

I should. 

I don't know. 

I don't want to.

He lays his hand on my cheek and keeps coming closer, until our lips touch.

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