•Chapter 23•

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*p.o.v. Sam*

I keep thinking about yesterday. Does Harry like me or not? Is the song about the night of the finale?

'Could we get a small tour around the house?' Niall asks and looks at me.

'Of course. This is the kitchen, diningroom and livingroom in one. Over here, you have the bathroom and my bedroom.' I say, while walking around the house with them.

' I say, while walking around the house with them

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I walk outside, where there is a small terrace, pool and a big lawn

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I walk outside, where there is a small terrace, pool and a big lawn. 'This is the backyard.'

'And that concludes my cabin in the woods

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'And that concludes my cabin in the woods.' I chuckle.

'It's a lot better than it was at first.' Harry says, while looking around.

Zayn picks up Zoey. 'Without those three bedrooms, there's a lot more space.'

'They were useless too. I'm here alone with my two puppies, why would I need four bedrooms.' At that moment, Chloe waddles outside. I pick her up and cuddle with her, which always calms me down.

 I pick her up and cuddle with her, which always calms me down

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[A/n: This is Chloe. I don't know the name of the race, does anyone know?]

Everyone walks back inside, but I'm stopped by Niall. I turn to him confused. 'What's up?'

'I have to tell you something.' he says quietly.

'You can tell me anything.' I say, putting him at ease.

'Do you remember the night of the finale?' he starts, and scratches the back of his head nervously. 'When we almost kissed?'

I nod, but only become more confused. Where is this going?

He also nods and looks at me. 'I have a girlfriend since my birthday.'

I swallow softly, trying not to make it obvious that it hurts me. I guess I never thought about the fact that he could move on with someone too. I'm so stupid..

I quickly shake the thought off my mind and smile, a little fake, instead. 'I'm really happy for you. Who is it?'

'Selena Gomez. She came to my party, we started talking and we've been dating ever since.' He scratches the back of his head once again. 'But every time I see you or hear about you in the news or whatever, I think about that night after the finale.' 

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now