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Just something you should all know before the story starts. This is future CabbageQ months after I've wrote this chapter and the many chapters that come after it. I just watched Anthony Padilla's video on Dissociative Identity Disorder and I found out I've been representing it incorrectly, so, if you get offended I am so so sorry! There are only maybe two or three chapters before Chapter 41 that showcase DID but that doesn't make up for my mistakes. I hope to get it right in the future and if you wanna learn more about the disorder, watch Anthony Padilla's video!


Thirteen Years Ago

"Draco, Pansy? You remember Auntie Lory right?" Asked the young and beautiful Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother. "Of course mummy! She baked us cookies!" Draco grinned and Narcissa cooed at her child. "Well, this is her son," she smiled and Draco and Pansy looked confused. There was a small, dark boy hiding behind the legs of a very beautiful and famous woman, Loralei Zabini. "Come on figlio, you'll be fine," she whispered to the boy and he shook his head. Pansy grinned, took his hand and brought him out from behind his mother. "Don't be scared! We like meeting knew friends!" She grinned and Draco nodded. "I'm Draco Lucius Malfoy! This is Pansy Camellia Parkinson, but you can just call her Pan-Pan and you can call me Dray!" Grinned the blonde boy and Pansy nodded. "My name is B-Blaise Azar Zabini. But you can call me Blaise," the little boy stuttered and Pansy and Draco engulfed him in a hug, thier mothers sighing as they watched thier children.

A year later

"I'm going to miss you two so much!" Blaise cried into Pansy's shoulder. Him and his mother were moving back to Italy, where the family originated, for Loralei's quick growing beauty company. "We'll see each other again," Draco sniffed and Pansy started crying again. Throughout the span of a year, the three had become the bestest of friends, but with Blaise leaving, they didn't know if they'd stay a Trio. "We must go figlio, the plain takes of soon," Loralei sighed, wiping a tear away from her sharp features. "Don't cry Lory, it's for the best," Cherry Parkinson smiled, hugging her friend.
Loralei picked up her son and carried him towards the limo, trying to hold back tears as her son cried for his friends. She put him down and Draco and Pansy ran and hugged him one more time before he had to get in the car. "We'll see each other again Blay-Blay!" Pansy shouted as his mother closed the door and opened the window. "I love you two!" He shouted as the car started moving. "We love you too!" They shouted, running as fast as their stout legs would let them before the gate of Malfoy Manor closed. Both gave each other a hug and cried, praying that prior to their words, they'd see their little friend again.

Present Day

"Get up kid. You're leaving," said an officer and the boy looked up from the chains he was bonded to in his solitary confinement. "So they decided?" He asked as the officer unlocked the chains and put handcuffs on him afterwards. "Yep."
The boy was not happy with their decision at all. He didn't want to go to whatever school they were taking him too and he was sure it wasn't going to be fun. The guard pulled him out of the closed off room and two other guards held onto him with tazers....incase. They walked through the prison yard and the boy caught a glimpse of someone he had become quite acquainted with. "See you on the flip side Crabbe!" He shouted and the burly boy chuckled. "Don't kid yourself Z! I'll see you back in here soon!" He shouted and the boy scoffed. "Well then, you'll have to take my place won't you!" He shouted back and Crabbe waved goodbye. "Shut up!" An officer spat, hitting him with their baton and the boy chuckled. I wonder how this'll go-

Ronald Weasley was sitting on the couch in the small yet packed house he lived in with his family of nine. The Burrow, they called it. Ron never knew who came up with the name but it suited the house. A show was playing on the TV but he couldn't seem to concentrate. The voices sounded muffled and the moving pictures blurred. He twirled his pen aimlessly in his hand and heaved out a long sigh. Usually, he'd hate going back to school but this was his last year and he was honestly, quite bored. Going to school would mean seeing his friends again. Harry Potter, an ex-orphan who recently met his godfathers and is now living with them, captain of their house Quidditch team and his sister's boyfriend was the first person he had ever met in his year. Quickly becoming best friends. Hermione Granger, the smartest student of their year, a beautiful girl and his girlfriend, had become his other best friend.....after some time that is. "Ronald Weasley! What in Merlin's name are you doing lazing about on the couch?! School starts in an hour and you're still here?! Even your sister's ready!" His mother, Molly Weasley screeched and Ron jumped. "Alright alright! Jeez mum, I'm going," he said, grabbing his bag and running outside where a their blue mini van was waiting for them. "Everyone ready?" His father, Arthur Weasley asked as he got in. "Yep," Ron and his sister, Ginevra, or Ginny for short, said. They drove out of their street and towards Hogwarts Prep. When they got there, Ron jumped out of the car with his family. A few people stared as their shocking red hair was quite noticeable. "Ron! Mate!" He heard the all to familiar voice of Harry and grinned. "Harry! How's life with your godfathers?" He asked and Harry beamed. "Amazing! They're the best!" He said and Ron couldn't help but catch Harry's happy energy, very contagious.
"Oh, Harry dear. Hello," Mrs Weasley smiled and Harry greeted her with a hug. "Goodbye mum, dad," Ron said to his parents and Molly started tearing up. "Oh Ron! It's your last year, I'm so proud of you!" She sniffed, pulling Ron into a hug. Ron hugged back and his dad patted his back lovingly. "Goodluck son," Arthur said and Ron nodded before Harry dragged him into the school. They immediately found a just the person they were looking for and were pleased to see the bushy haired, slightly tan girl staring at her schedule. "'Mione!" Harry screamed and she jumped. "Harry! Ron!" Hermione beamed, giving Harry a big hug and Ron a kiss on the cheek. The three of them talked for hours before it was time for the start of term assembly. "We should get dressed. I don't need McGonagall breathing up our necks," Hermione sighed and Ron and Harry nodded. They all got dressed into their uniform robes and left the library, where they decided to catch up, in a flurry of eager students. They walked through the busy corridors of the school and were soon all sitting inside the Great Hall. All the first years got sorted and McGonagall stood on the podium for her usual speech.
"Welcome back students! I have a few things to say before you eat." She started and Ron's stomach groaned irritabley. After going over the rules and such, Professor McGonagall's voice became almost shaky as she spoke. "Before you eat, we have one more person to be sorted this year." She said and this spiked everyone's attention. "I'm sure you have all heard of The Flame Thrower?" She asked rhetorically and many murmurs emmited from around the Hall. "Well, the Government has decided that, he is to be given a second" She said and the doors to the Great Hall opened and all eyes were on a boy that everybody feared. He was probably the most feared boy in the country and he was only seventeen, having killed seventy people in his lifetime. Everyone, including Ron gasped. The boy was tall and dark with the sharpest features Ron had ever seen. He looked quite different in person than on the News. His head was held high and his hair was shaved at the sides and dyed white at the tips. He was being held by two officers with handcuffs, batons, guns and tazers. The boy opened his slanted eyes and Ron's breath hitched in his throat. His eyes were striking, a dark brown with a fire that blazed in them as he scanned the room, his eyes lingering on Ron for a moment. No one dared speak. The Flame Thrower was dangerous and everyone knew it. It's in his name. Fire was his specialty and he had ended most of his victims with it. Speaking of his name, no one knew his actual name. He had never said it, the Government have done tons of digging but he was a ghost, no where in the system was he found. All he told that Government was that people could call him Z, if not, he was The Flame Thrower. "Welcome to Hogwarts....Mr.....Z," McGonagall smiled, though she was obviously shaking, the whole Hall was. "Officers, if you could please seat him on the chair?" McGonagall pointed a shaky, wisened finger at the stool in front of the podium and the officers complied. They led The Flame Thrower towards the chair and he elegantly sat down. McGonagall took called Mr Jones, the Hogwarts House Sorter into the room and he sat opposite the boy. "My oh my! Minerva! What are you thinking letting this foul child into this school?!" The old man shrieked. "Please, just do your job," McGonagall hissed and the Sorter sighed. "Well, plenty of courage, very vain, yes, very much indeed. Let's see hmmm, proud,
quite witty, smart I see an ounce of a heart? No, nevermind. But where to put you.....I think-


The Sorter shouted but nobody clapped. Everyone continued to stare as the officers took him, whispered something to Professor McGonagall and left him to walk to the Slytherin table on his own. He sauntered towards the green and silver clad table and sat at the very end, all the other Slytherins scooting away from him. "Well then, let the feast begin!"
McGonagall said and hastily sat down.
Ron quickly dug into his mince pie, trying to avoid the gaze of the  
rumored psychopath.

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