Chapter 1 - Christian

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I read the message from my manager, Mya Harlow, and exhale. Why is it so hard to have a meeting with her?

I look at the beach from my bedroom windows. It's all because of my stupid mouth. I caress my whisker, while thinking how to make her say yes to this project.

Larry Huddler comes into my room. He is my private assistant and best friend. "Morning, C!" He says cheerily. He is a gay, but he never tried to flirt with me (thank God!). It's not that I hate LGBT, I'm fine, it's more because I really like women, and I don't think I will ever look at a man in that way.

"Morning Larry!" I stand up and take the coffee from him. "Thanks!"

"Your stuff is already in the car. We can go now"

I nod and we go to the downstair. We're going to renovate my house (Larry and the press called it a mansion). This house feels too bachelor for me. I'm going to renovate it to be more... I don't know how to say it. Mature, maybe? Because I'm fucking sure, I'm not going to have steady girlfriend or family in the near future. So put the 'family' inside the box and lock it out.

It's just the last time I had the party here, I feel like I'm too old for these things. I know I'm just 26 years old. But somehow my brain doesn't agree with that lifestyle anymore.

I walk down to the first floor. The big open floor with one side of any alcohol you want, another side, the whole big glass windows facing the beach. I can put a hundred people in my room and we still have a lot of space. Not to mention the other side of the house, which contain the pantry, rooms, studio, gym and other entertainment rooms.

"Time to say goodbye to this crazy dance floor you have, C" Larry chuckles to me.

I smile and shake my head "maybe I'm getting older"

"Nah... you're just getting more mature. I'm glad you're going to leave your party animal life"

And we walk to the front door. Larry goes to my Porsche Cayenne, while I go to my red Ferrari. I have some stuff to go with me to the new apartment, that's why I need 2 cars for moving.


Alfred, the apartment's manager walks me to my penthouse unit. He points to my neighbor. "There is a beautiful woman living there. Hope you two can be friends"

I just smile. How many women want to be my friend? As in real friends, not the one who wants something more from me. When you are famous, it is hard to find real friends. That's why I keep my circle small.. I don't need more drama with women... 2 is more than enough for me.

"Yeah, I hope we can be friends," I say while we are entering my penthouse. Larry is still downstairs to take care of my luggages.

Once, Alfred is done with the introduction, and Larry with my stuff, they go from my apartment. I exhale. Time for unpacking.

My phone rings when I am unpacking my stuff. It's my cousin. "Hey E!"

"Hey... where are you?"

"Unpacking in my new penthouse. You want to come and help me?" I joke.

He chuckles "not today. Something just happened to me. I'm afraid I need to prepare for the worst."

I stop and stand up "what happened?" He is the closest person in my life. The only family I have. He always has my back. And I'll do anything for him. The only one not in my payroll that I'm sure will never betray me. 

"Um... I can't explain to you now. Monday lunch after the annual meeting?" His voice sounds weird. What is wrong with him?

"Sure. Call me if you need anything E! You know I always have your back, right?"

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