Chapter 53 - Meredith

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I flew alone in Ian's jet. Few days ago we were in this jet flew to NYC and we were so happy. But now... I was alone and broken heart.

JR picked me up at the airport and drove me to my apartment. I couldn't help myself to take a glance of Ian's door.

Stop it Mer! You broke up with him. You and him are nothing.

I have another reading with Steven Hitchcock tomorrow.. I need to do something with my mood. I need to give my best for my work and don't let my feelings shown. Especially after the headlines.

Since I don't think I can stroll around the city without the paparazzi lurking on me, so I decide to hit the gym downstair.

Later at night I called Steven Hitchcock, the director of my new film, about the issue that has been going about me. I don't want my problem hurts the film. But he waived me. He said it was a stupid gossip. He doesn't care. He only care that I will give my best performance for this film, which is I'm planning to do too. So we are good.


No text or call from Ian. Deep down I know we don't have anything to talk about. The project is over, it was a huge success. Nothing bind us now.

I miss you, Ian... it hurts me to know that nothings more between us.

I go to the Hall Building 3rd floor. I didn't tell Madeline I'm here. I don't think I can face her lovey dovey with Ethan while my love life crumbled into dust. Not to mention it will bring me back to half a year ago. Half year ago I was here, Madeline and I had lucnh with Ethan. Christian crushed our lunch.

I chuckle to myself. That's when everything begins.

I go to the room, no one is here. I look at my watch. Jeez I'm 15 mins early. This is what will happened to you when you are alone nursing your broken heart.

After 10 mins, Hitchcock comes in with Robert Russo, italian guy in his mid 40s but he looks more like early 30s. He is a senior actor and my on screen partner. Since Grace Kelly, the character I play, married with Prince Rainier who was 6 years older than her.

Robert comes to me "happy new year sweetheart" he hugs me and I smile "happy new year Robert!" I exchange hug with Hitchcock too.

Robert looks at me "all good?" He smiles emphatically at me. I smile back and nod. "Let me know if you need any help, okay" he taps my back twice and sit. Robert is a nice guy. He is a happily married man. I met his wife once. She is not the most beautiful person, but Robert looked at her like she is his world. Will Ian ever look at me like that? Damn it! I told myself to not think about him anymore. I have to move on.

Hitchcock doesn't spare anytime. He asks me and Robert to start the reading. We have some screen just the two of us. The film is more about Grace Kelly's life instead of her love live. When she started her career, became famous and fashion icon in her era, her relationships, later her marriage and her life as The Princess of Monaco. Her duty during her life as a wife and a princess, until her car's accident.

I will portray her from her teenage life until the end of her life at age 52. This will be one of the hardest role I play. I even read a lot books that contain story about her. I want to portray her. Not to make another person in this film. The film is about her and only her.

We will shoot the movie in America and Monaco (obviously) but we will also shoot in Paris. Because we have the Castle that fits for this film. I heard that Ethan bought the castle not too long ago because Hitchcock and some other directors were salivating to take that place for shooting their film. He went there and saw the beauty of the building. Last year, the owner decided to sell it and of course, The Hall Industries bough it. Hitchcock was very happy when he knew Ethan bought it. And we will be the first film shooting there.

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