Chapter 33 - Meredith

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Mr. James Stoke is a great man. He knows who I am. But from the very beginning he only talks about music. The one thing he knows for sure that I'm interested in.

And he is a genius. Now I know where Ian got his smart brain.

The door is open. I look at the door. Ian. I smile softly at him. Ian looks at me deeply. I know he is nervous.

I look at Mr. Stoke, from there he couldn't see who was coming. But I think he can see it from my expression. I squeeze his hand and walk to Ian. I hug him tightly for a while. I know he likes to breathe my scent when he is nervous. "You ready?" I whisper to him and he nods. I smile "you know I will always be here for you right, Ian?" He kisses my head "I know" he whispers back. We walk together to Mr. Stoke's bed.

Mr. Stoke looks at Ian with... I don't know... too many emotions in there. Love, longing, regret... I look at Ian. His eyes glassy. He knows this man is the one who doesn't want to use him...

He said he would never use you.

Ian tries to speak but nothing comes out.

Mr. Stoke raises his hands. "Come here son" he says in a heavy voice and Ian comes to him. They hug. I can see the tears leaking from Mr. Stoke's eyes. I look away. My tears are leaking too. God I think I cry more than these two guys. I try to wipe my tears but they keep falling down.

Ian pulls away "dad..." he says in small voice and Mr. Stoke hugs him again "my son"

They both are crying... okay, three. Including me. Suddenly Mr. Stoke starts coughing. Ian pulls back with panic "dad you okay?" I take the glass and give it to him.

Mr. Stoke drinks the water "I'm fine. Just too overwhelming with this" he smiles.

"I'm glad you are here Christian. I... I'm sorry we met in this condition. I just want you to know that... I'm so proud of you!" He squeezes Ian's shoulders. "Everything else can wait. But you have to know. I'm so proud of you, son! I'm so proud of you" the way Mr. Stoke says it, it's so sincere. I know in that second that he really meant it. Not like Daisy Hall.

"Thank you dad" Ian smiles despite the tears in his eyes.

Mr. Stokes looks at me "and I'm a big fan of you two latest songs. I like that very much" and he starts to hum the song. I can't help but giggles. "You have a great voice Mr. Stoke"

"Well, your boy here got the voice from me" he says and we laugh. I walk to Ian. "Ian, you talk with your dad. I'm going to the cafeteria, okay?" They need some father-son time.

But Ian holds my hand so tight "stay here with me" he whispers. I look at him "but..."

"I want you here with me" his eyes plead at me. I lick my lower lip. "Okay" I say softly.

"Dad... you already know Meredith right? She is my girlfriend" Ian says to his dad. God! I'm blushing now... "I hope you can tell me about the past and if you don't mind I want her to stay here with me" Ian holds my waist. Can I kiss him now? The way he said it makes it melt.

Mr. Stokes chuckles "no problem at all, son. I like your girl. She is so sweet and nice. And actually I know a lot about her. Lexi is her big fan"

Ian chuckles "yeah I know. I think she likes her more than she likes me"

"Exactly" Mr. Stokes says and exhales. "Ian, whatever I'm going to tell you. Please promise me nothing will change in your heart about your mom, okay. She is a great woman. She just wants to protect you with her own way"

I don't think Mr. Stoke knows what Daisy Hall did to Ian. Or... the worst, Daisy lied to him. Ian looks at me a while and I know we share the same sentiment. I squeeze his hand, he smiles a bit at me.

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