Chapter 16 - Christian

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If before the encounter with Hossler, Merry deliberately brushed her body on me. Now I don't think she even realizes that she hasn't pulled herself back from me since I hugged her in front of Hossler. She was shaken and pale back then. It wouldn't surprise me if she fainted.

I was talking with Andrew for a while. I know it wasn't nice of me to talk with him like that earlier. So I tried to be more friendly with him, and I think we're good now.

You're not jealous of Andrew right, Ian?

Her question still ringing in my head, I look at Merry, she is so quiet during our ride back to the apartment. I don't know whether I'm jealous or not. But I don't like that kind of feeling. When I saw Casey with her boyfriend in her apartment I was so angry, I was more hurt because I was so gullible rather than jealous. But earlier when Merry hugged Andrew... I don't think I want to analyze that feeling right now.

Merry still in my arm, but her eyes are looking at her lap all this time. I can see from her cloudy eyes, the encounters with that jerk affect her so much. She's not even trying to disguise it. She looks so vulnerable, it's like she trusts me that I will protect her, and I will. I will protect her without a doubt. I don't know if I can be very protective to a woman like this. When I saw Hossler trying to manhandle her, I saw red. I hit him hard, very hard that now my knuckles bruise a bit. I lost my control. Ethan didn't say anything but from his face I know he's surprised that I can lose my control again. I never ever lost my control. Not after I hit the kid in our school when she said my mom is a bitch. And I paid dearly for that. Mom was so angry with me. I still don't know why... After this long time, I still don't know why she was angry at me when all I did was defend her.

We arrive on our floor. All the way back she was so silent. I can't let her go back like this.

"Thank you for today, Ian" she looks at me with a weak smile and comes closer to kiss me on my lips. It's just a brush. I hold her waist "are you sure, you are okay Merry?" I whisper on her lips. She looks deeply at me. No, she's not okay. But she manages to nod and spin around to her door. Unlocked it and closed the door. She doesn't even realize she is still wearing my suit. I don't know how long I'm standing there looking at her door, and finally I command my feet to walk back to my apartment.

I do everything methodically. My brain is still with Merry. Shower, wear my sweatpants, pour my scotch, and drink it. I look at the windows, but somehow Merry's vulnerable face keeps coming to me. And I know she's not okay. I don't know why she thinks she's okay. I can see from her brown eyes that she is far from okay. Need to make sure she is okay. I run to the door and open it. I come face to face with Merry.

"Jesus, Ian!" She jumps back a bit. Her face is free from makeup. She is wearing her loose shirts (and maybe with shorts, super short one) because I can't see. She is holding my suit in front of her.

I was surprised too "what... what are you doing here?"

"I... um..." she unconsciously licks her bottom lip. When will she ever realize that gesture makes my dick twitch? And I think something is wrong with my eyes. She is even prettier than the last time I saw her. How come someone becomes prettier in less than an hour? And I thought she looked perfect on the charity...

"I just want to give this back to you" she gives me the suit. I take it, our fingers brush. Her eyes jump to me. She clears her throat. "Um... were you planning to go somewhere?" She asks me with the same vulnerable eyes.

"I was planning to check on you" I look at her deeply. Her breath is getting harder.

"With... with that?" She looks at my body. I look down. I didn't even realize I hadn't worn any shirts.

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