Chapter 54 - Christian

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Damn! She looks hot...

Gone all the sadness from her face. She is ready to start acting. I reluctantly go back to the seat next to Hitchcock. Look at Merry from the screen. She looks so pretty, young and shy. She portrays  the young Grace Kelly very well. Hitchcock was right. Merry is the perfect person to play The Princess of Monaco.

I look at her. I missed her so much. It took everything for me to fly back alone to LA from NY. After I watched her play basketball with Andrew happily, I left the house and went straight to the airport. The house is one of the Hall properties. Mom used to live there with Ben before they came back to LA and Ben started to work for Hall Industries.

I came back early because I need to counter my manager... ex manager by now. It's still fresh in my mind the ugly confrontation in her office.

I threw the pictures of the footage from Roderick Hotel at her table. I look at her. Mya, with her long sleek brown hair, I never saw her without makeup. She is in her 40s but her body looks like she is in her 20s. Petite, trim legs. But her demeanor makes you think twice to talk to her. She is a cold woman. And I never saw her wearing any other color than black.

"Why do you have to do this?" I asked her without preamble.

Mya just glanced at the pictures and looked at me "happy new year too Christian" she said.

I looked at her. My manager for almost 10 years... "what is your plan Mya?"

She took off her glasses and stood up. Walked to her couch. She gestured to me "sit down Christian" but I just stood in my place. She stopped when I didn't move. She looked at me "now what? Because your little Meredith cries over the headlines, you came here to shout and scream at me?"

"Leave her alone. This has nothing to do with her. Tell me why you did this? I'm your talent, Mya. I don't get it why you had to trap your own talent?" I asked her. I honestly didn't get why she had to do this.

She exhaled and sat down. "I need you to stay focused with your job Christian. I won't let Meredith to ruin everything we built... everything I build for you all this time"

"She did nothing" I said, confused. I walked and sat down "why'd you alway say that this has anything to do with her?"

"She did everything!" She encountered "You didn't want to accept the movie with Jemima because of her"

"Without her I'm not going to accept the movie anyway, Mya." I said. Jesus how many times we have to talk about this.

"And you are so adamant to become a director. She must be telling you how good you will be. So later she will always have a director in hand. She wants to use you Christian and I'm trying to save you here"

"Mya, I have wanted to become a director for a few years by now." I tried to be patient with her. "And for your information, Merry is far from what you think. She never wants to use me. Not me, not anyone. She builds her career because of her hard work , talent and attitude. And also because she is in a good hand of Bea White"

She glared at me. I literally forgot Bea just got Daniella. Shit!

"Leave it Christian! She is not important. Okay if you don't want to go with the erotic movie we still have another."

I raised my hand to stop her. "She is important for me, Mya! If you can't accept her in my life, I don't think I can work with you anymore"

She looked at me in disbelief "wow Christian... after all this time..." she shook her head "I can't believe this. She doesn't love you Christian. You've been played by her."

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