Chapter 42 - Christian

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Helen blinks and comes to me. "What are you talking about Christian?

"I found my dad" I say it again. My voice is a little bit shaky but not as shaky as Helen. I know in her mind, I found the man who raped her baby girl. But I need to set it straight to her. I need to tell her the truth. The lies Daisy Hall told everyone.

"He never raped mom, grandma. It was consensual. Mom lied to you"

"No Christian. She told--"

"She told me the truth when I was 15, grandma"

"What?" her eyes glassy, her feet shaky. I help her sit down on the bed. I sit next to her. I look at her, I know she is trying to compose herself. She takes a deep breath and look at me. "You have to walk me through it. What happened when you were 15 and what happened to your mom when she met your dad..." her eyes still glassy but from the firm way she talks, she is ready to hear the truth my mom is hiding from her.


10 years ago

Christian was coming back from school for summer holiday. He preferred to spend his time with his friends rather at home, but his grandparents asked him to come back, aunt Amanda even went to Europe to pick him, He felt bad because of him, her aunt had to go to Europe.

Turned out, the holiday was great. Ethan was here with him. Uncle David took them to camp and fishing. Aunt Amanda took them to LA and bought a lot of great things for him and Ethan, including the latest gadget. His grandparents tried to have some chit chat with him, but it was too late. He still remembered how they agreed with Daisy Hall to send him abroad even though he was crying and begging them. Aunt Amanda was the one who came to his room and hugged him to sleep. And he knew aunt Amanda was crying too. She was an angel in disguise. His mom was nowhere to be seen. Which was good. She went to some island to spend some time with her boyfriend, Ben Sanders.

Until the last day of the holiday, his mom came back with a ring on her finger. She looked so happy. Christian saw her come to the house with Ben from his room windows.

She was bubbling about her engagement with Ben, how Ben proposed to her and everything. Christian's grandparents were happy for her. Uncle David was in LA with aunt Amanda. They had some business meetings. But promised to come back for dinner with Christian before Christian went to Europe.

Ethan came to his room. "Cuz, your mom is home"

Christian exhaled and looked at him "can I stay here in my room? I don't want to meet her and for sure she doesn't want to see me either"

He shrugged. "I think you are right. Hey let's go outside and play soccer"

Christian grinned "perfect! where is your girl by the way?"

"Chelsea? nah... we broke up." he shrugged.

"No... the one you have your first kiss with"

Ethan laughed. "I don't know. I looked for her actually before you came. But she was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't remember which one is her house"

"Ask your parents!"

Before Ethan could answer, Helen called both of them. "Shit" Christian cursed.

Ethan exhaled "should run away when we saw your mom arrived, cuz. C'mon meet her for 5 mins and we run for the soccer"

Christian exhaled and walked with Ethan. He would rather stay in the room for 5 days than meet his mom for 5 mins.

Christian and Ethan went down from the second floor.

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