Chapter 15 - Meredith

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Ian's eyes widened. "What? No! No way, Mer" he laughs and ouch.. somehow my heart ache a bit. I don't know why. I don't expect Ian to be jealous. We are only friends. But somehow the way he says no and laughs makes me feel... I don't know... C'mon Merry! He is just a friend.

I clear my throat. "Let's go. I'm hungry" I smile brightly at him. After all, I'm a good actress. I can fake my expression very well. Like Ian, I know something bothers him when Helen Hall gives a speech about him. For other people it's just some words from a grandmother. But from the way his body stiffened, his face stoic, I know it's not just a simple speech. If I wasn't standing so close to him I wouldn't have realized his reaction to the speech.

We ate and talked with some people. After a while Ian asked me to go to the balcony. I'm happy to go to the balcony. I need some break. Despite my status I'm not a big fan of socializing with a lot of people like this.

Ian found an empty balcony. It's only the two of us. "Finally..." I exhale.

Ian chuckles "need some break time, eh?"

"Yeah... I know we need to socialize with people in this kind of event. But I need a break once in a while"

"I thought you love acting" he teases me while drinking the wine.

"Yeah... but still... I think I am almost fed up with acting. That's why I'm planning to stop from acting" I shrug.

"Stop?" His head snaps to me.

I chuckle. "Yeah, as in it's not my goal anymore to have minimal 2 movies in a year. I'm just going to accept movies that I like. I will focus on my singing career. Write some songs, collaborate with some talented songwriters" I look at him and find he is looking at me deeply. "What about you Ian? What will you do for... let's say the next 5 years"

He shrugs. "Well I beat you on acting. I talked to my manager earlier this year that I want to focus on directing instead of acting"

"You want to be a film director?" My eyes widened. "You are a genius! I can't wait to see your film!" I say excitedly.

"Thank you Merry, but my manager is still reluctant. She said I'm on my top at acting. That's why I haven't made any announcement about that. But I'm planning too. Maybe after our project. I have my own plan. But I think, I need to be more specific to her so she can understand and agree with my decision"

"You will be great at it, Ian!" I grin. He looks at me with a small smile and touches my cheek "you humble me, Merry. I don't even remember there are other people who have this much faith in me" he whispers.

I just stare at him. Somehow the way he said and looked at me is so deep. I almost lost in his blue green eyes.

He slowly comes closer to me, our lips almost brushing when there is someone clears his throat. I jump back, Ian looks at the guy. I look at him too... Jase.


"Hi Mer" Jase smiles at me. I want to puke!

"What are you doing here, Jase?" My voice sounds cold.

"I told you, Mer. I want to talk with you for a while" and then he looks at Ian. "Hi, I'm Jason Hossler. I'm Meredith old friend" old friend my ass!

Ian shakes hands with Jase "I'm Christian Hall, Meredith's date" my head snaps at Ian. What just he said? Yeah I know I'm his date. But actually he doesn't have to explain it. Everyone knows Christian Hall.

"I'm sorry but could you please give us some time to talk. I have some matters to talk with Mer"

Ian looks at me. "I don't have anything to talk with you, Jase" I round my hands on Ian's arm. "C'mon Ian" I just want to pull Ian when Jase moves in front of me. "Please Mer. I just want to talk with you. 5 mins. Okay?" He says softly.

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