Chapter 7 - Meredith

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"Yes Yuka... thank you" Yuka already hung up the phone but I still put the phone on my ear. I don't know how to face Christian after the kiss. Gosh, it's just a simple kiss. You did more than that kiss before with your exes or even your on screen partner that you barely know, Mer.

I know... but something different with that kiss. I can't explain. I inhale and try to compose myself. I put the phone from my ear and turned around. I didn't know Christian stands right behind me. I gasp and take a step back, but behind me is my couch, so I almost fall to the couch when Christian catches me, holds my waist. "Easy, Merry" he whispers to me. His eyes on my mouth.

My heart beats so fast. He comes closer.

I'm done with people who used me to get fame.

I push him, he startles back. I walk to my piano, far from him and turn around. This time he is still far from me "what are you doing, Hall?" my voice is shaky.

"What?" He looks at me.

"You... are you trying to kiss me?"

"I kissed you already" he comes closer. I hold my hand "stop there" and he does.

"Don't do that again!" My voice is rising.

"Why? Because your heart cannot handle it?" He chuckles.

My face blush. My composure is gone. Gosh... I'm proud of myself for being controlled since I'm mastering acting skill. And now I blush just by his teasing words.

"No, because our relationship is just a business partner. Duet partner"

"And what? There is no clause that you can't date or kiss your duet partner" he shrugs. God, this man is something.

"First, I don't want you to accuse me of using you for fame.. like you used to accuse me" his jolly face is gone. He looks serious now.

"I told you, I'm sorry Merry" he says seriously.

"And I forgive you but I can't forget it" I hug myself. He exhales. "Second?" He asks me

"What?" what is he talking about?

"That is first, what is the second one, Merry?"

Oh... I clear my throat "I... um... why you still call me Merry?" I pout. He chuckles "sorry, sweetheart. That's not going to change. I like that nickname too much"

"But, that's not my name" I complain.

"Ethan calls Madeline with sweetness. That's far from her real name but she is okay" he reasons.

"I'm not Madeline and you're not Ethan" I give him a look.

"Still, I'm not going to change. You are Merry to me" he gives me his signature smile like it solves everything.

"Okay fine, I'm going to give you a nickname too!" Now I feel like I'm childish.

"Perfect! I can't wait, Merry" he grins. God, he is so hot. H. O. T. "Do you still have the third one?"

"I want you to promise me that you won't do any action inclined to be romantic. Kissing, touching and any kind of that. I just don't want to date anyone at this moment. And I feel uncomfortable if you do that to me" actually the right phase is, I don't want to have any romantic history with you. 5 years ago I'm your big fan. And what you did to me break my heart more than what Jase did to me. And now, I don't think I can handle it if you really break my heart, worse you do what Jase did to me.

"Okay, I won't touch you without your permission" he says, coming closer to me.

"What?" I look at him. He is already in front of me. He tucks the tendrils of my hair to the back of my ear. "I like you Merry, but I promise you I won't touch you without your permission. But that is always on the table. Anytime during our project. We can enjoy the work and pleasure or... we just enjoy the work. Your choice"

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