Chapter 34 - Christian

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I look at Lexi, I smile "Hi Lexi, I'm your brother"

"What?" Lexi's face is shocked. "Is it some kind of a prank?" She looks around. This little girl is so cute. "Where is the camera?"

Dad looks at me, his face is uncertain "Christian?" I nod at him.

"Pumpkin..." Dad squeezes Lexi's shoulder. "I told you before that.. you have a stepbrother... remember?"

"Yeah..." Lexi says slowly.

"Well, he is here. I found him" dad gestures at me.

Lexi looks at me and then dismisses it. Look at my back. "Where is he?"

Carol hisses "Lexi your dad is serious with you"

"Yeah mom. I know. But where?"

Merry comes to my side and hugs my arm. "Do you see any other man in this room that can be your brother except him?"

Lexi eyes widened "what? No way dad! You're not that handsome!"

I can't help but laugh, Merry and Carol too. While dad frowning at Lexi "now now young lady. I showed you my picture when I was young. You said yourself I looked handsome"

"No!! Okay I did say but not as handsome as this one dad!"

Dad exhales. "Just accept it Lexi. You bruise my ego now" but his lips twitch up. I'm wondering if I had him when I was a kid. Maybe my childhood wouldn't be that bad.

Lexi is still frowning looking at me from head to toe.

"Lexi..." Merry comes to her. "Now take a look closer at your dad, yours and Christian's hair and eyes... can you find the resemblance?"

Lexi eyes widened. "Oh God. I will faint in any seconds. No way! Oh my God"

Merry chuckles. "Go, hug your brother. He's been dying to hug you"

Lexi is still unsure. So I walk to her and hug her "hey baby sister" I whisper.

"You are really my brother?" Lexi muffles in my chest and hugs me tight. "Dad always talked about you. I missed you. I didn't know who my brother was but I always want to have one. A lot of my friends have their own brother except me. Now I have one too."

Never once she said about me as Christian Hall. Maybe it was just my bad luck to meet the wrong women all this time.

She pulls back "oh gross! Can I change a brother? I saw all your films. Your kissing scene, sex scene with your on screen partner"

I chuckle.

"Jesus Christ! Lexi!" Carol comes to her and pinches her. "Ouch mom!" Carol gestures at Merry. I look at Merry, she smiles at them but... shit! I know she fakes it.


We had dinner in the hospital with dad, Carol and Lexi. Dad and Carol told me a story about how they met. And Lexi obviously loves Merry more than me. She even blatantly told me that she was never a big fan of me. Maybe her gut knows that I'm her brother. We talked and laughed freely... is this the real family dinner? I looked at Merry. This woman is the one who helped me to find my family. Sometimes she looked a bit uncomfortable when Lexi showed her affection to her parents, it's not jealous. More like she is longing for that. I know how it feels, Mer. I know...

We are back to the hotel. Merry goes to the bathroom alone. I follow her and hug her from behind "what is on your pretty brain, Merry?" I kiss her neck"

She smiles at me from the mirror. "Nothing Ian. I just... I don't know. The way Lexi looks at Mr. Stokes... I mean James..." Dad told Merry to call him James instead of Mr. Stokes. "It kept me thinking, why I couldn't have that with my dad. He never saw me as his daughter. Am I that not worthy for his love?" She whispers.

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